weight: 121 goal: 106
chest: 33" goal: 32-33"
waist: 27" goal: 25"
hips(belt/butt): 30"/35" goal: 28"/32-33"
right: 22"/14"/13"/8"
left: 21.5"/13.5"/13.5"/8" goal: 20"/13"/13"/8"
arms(bicep unflexed/flexed/forearm/wrist)
right: 10"/11.25"/9"/5.75"
left: 10"/11.25"/9"/5.75" goal: 11"/12"/9-10"/5.75"
resting heart rate:
pullups: 2-3/4
vertical leap:
pushups: 37
toe touch: +2"
wall sit: 2 minutes 21 seconds
bicep curls:
heartrate max/recovery:
Thick and dumpy. And still favoring my right leg, primarily out of habit.
Leave it to me to make the dorkiest face ever! Belly and waist need to get tucked in! Yuck!
Attempting to flex my tricep. They do show a little but not enough to avoid getting flat-lighted in the camera-flash. :(
Look pretty!
Flat as a pancake in exactly the wrong place. :/
And the famous booty. "Cutest little behind in the history of all behinds." "Nicest ass in (at least) 46 states." "On a scale of 1-10, it is a 43." "If you threw a quarter at it, it would squeeze out two dimes and a nickel." "Like a women's basketball." "Symetrically perfect." Seriously, the attire, lighting and stance do not do it justice. The tattoo is of a racehorse in case anyone wonders.
And again. Note the difference between my right and left calves. Had no idea it was that obvious! Also, the way the skin of my upper thighs just below the famous booty appears to be stretched tighter than the rest, and how the outsides of my hips are disproportionately wider than my butt. This needs to go bye-bye as much as is feasibly possible.
And redemption. These are my BEFORE pics, folks!