You know, everyone always sounds so bored around here....
Who's with me? We could each make something from our homeworld, like a food or a picture or something, and we could play different games, and...
Hey, now that my bending's stronger, I bet I could...
[Cue a quiet 'ooo' and then a clamor as Aang hops off of the fence he
Read more... )
[In a weird twist of irony, he's reading his journal and replying as he's walking back with some food for Azzip when he sees a blur on the river. Needless to say, this is going to echo as the journal picks it up too.] What the hell was that?
Eh? Du--
[He had his journal strapped to his waist, and the action of twisting to look down at it stops his forward-motion until the only thing carrying him forwards is momentum - the ice breaks apart under his feet, and he goes flailing and tumbling through the air with a loud "WHOA!!"... until he falls to the water and disappears behind an enormous splash.]
I was heading to the mountain to make some slides. The river goes right to 'em, and I don't have to worry about hitting any trees that way.
[Rubs his nose sheepishly.] I, uh... I guess when I heard you I got distracted.
Well, that's a good way ta get up there then. Looked faster than walkin' minus the swimmin' part.
Sorry. Heh, didn't mean ta make ya take a header.
Hey, waterbending's a good substitute, huh? And don't worry about me. I'm tougher than I look.
Clearly, gotta be ta save the world and everything. Either way, it looked fun.
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