the flowers outside my house bloomed!!!!!! super duper cheery! :)
what i wore to school for presentation when my classmates all wore slippers....i mistakened the dress code :((
Very Interesting Week...
1. my cupboard collapsed!!!!!!!!! damn drama the repairman (i don't understand why cupboard repairmen exist) says it cant be repaired. HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA
2. been down with fever + flu + sore throat + cough this week and its damn sian to clutch packets of tissue on the train and while slping halfway, you have to wake up to blow your nose. contemplated taking MC for my quiz but i didnt in the end. *guai xiao hai_89*
3. i saw benjaja on the train!!!!!!!!! hahahhahahaha love coincidences like this!!! cant wait to get my hands on those choco bananas!
4. i called fbt shorts FRS (financial reporting standards). geek my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. im gonna be interning at International Plaza! hello, choping seats with tissues and matchstick_gal_89 and hiiiiiiiiiiiii cyber colleague!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
6. my pastor rang me up hahahahhahahahahahahah