I was up all last night reading the the dictionary.
There's amazing things in it.
jacinth - reddish-orange color
otiose - ineffective, futile, or superfluous
glaborous - bald
cephalous - having a head
bissextile - of or designating leap year or Febuary 29
oneiric - of or having to do with dreams
eldritch - weird, eerie
ommatophore - eyestalk
nullifidian - a person with no religious faith
preprandial - relating to the time just before dinner
omophagia - the eating of raw flesh
squamate - scaly or having scales
deltiology - collection or study of postcards
uxorial - characteristic of or befitting a wife
hyaline - tranparent or glassy
obiter dictum - any incidental remark
nutant - with the top bent downward, drooping
idiopathic - of or designating a disease whose cause is unknown
Entymologies are kinda fun, too. Camelopard, the former name for the
giraffe, comes from having a neck like a camel and spots like a
leopard. Leopard, however, was so named under the belief that it was a
hybrid of lions (leo) and panthers (pard). Duh.
My real mission, though, was to collect unusual adjective relating mostly to plants or animals - like canine or feline or equine.
leporine - of or like rabbits/hares
opaline - of or like opals
aquiline - of or like an eagle
cervine - of or like a deer
ursine - bearlike
fucoid - of or like seaweed
stannic - of or containing tin
anatine - duck-like
limacine - characteristic of a slug
ceratoid - horn-like
lupine - characteristic of a wolf
sialoid - resembling saliva
telluric - of or arising from the earth or soil
lumbricine - of or like an earthworm
scrombroid - like a mackeral
cephalic - of the head/cranium
meline - badger-like
auctorial - of or by an author
vespine - of or pertaining to wasps/hornets
galline - like chicken or fowl
ichthyoid - like a fish
cynean - swanlike
restiform - ropelike or cordlike
ranid - froglike
sphigine - sphinx-like in character
vulpine - foxlike
fruticose - of or like a shrub, shrubby
Ultimately, I found a lot more (about animals, anyway)
online. I had a teacher once who told us that squalene means
shark-like, which is awesome if it's true, but dictionaries say that
it's only a chemical derived from sharks. The word for of or like a
shark is conspicuously absent in various resources I've checked though.
ps - I am not out of my mind.