I have currently been going through what I'm calling a Liar Liar phase - like the movie. I answer everyone with complete honesty. It's rather bizarre. In that vein, I responded to the following meme in someone else's journal. So: Dare you
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2. I believe there is a word limit on comments, m'dear. It was wise of you to add the codicil because otherwise it would turn into a rant. The current state is abysmal. We are falling. We are failing. We are slipping. We are forgetting. We are ostracizing and mocking and refusing to care. We are unbecoming.
We are still blessed, however. So very, very blessed. We have everything. We have had it for so long that we forget that it was fought for, paid for, earned and stolen both, once upon a time. We rant and rave and feel entitled and picked on, but we are privileged and free and powerful.
We are still the teenagers of the world. We think we are invincible, that the world owes us all, that we will never die or grow old or fade. We have unrelenting energy and excitement and when challenged we stomp and slam doors and claim that no one understands. We are beautiful and broken, happy and filled with despair, innocent but less naive than we were.
How do I feel? Grateful and angry and proud and appalled and ashamed and amazed and loved and forgotten and indescribably human. America is no one thing, and no one person and even MKG cannot bring her to her knees. We will overcome, and some day we will grow up. May it be a becoming of something wonderful.
3. Scotty refuses to beam me over. The invisible jet is in the shop. I failed the apparition test three times. No Vogons to hitch a ride with. And when I placed a picture of Melbourne on the ground and tried to jump into ala Mary Poppins, I merely slipped and twisted my ankle. Someday I will - and yes that is both threat and promise.
LOL.... Honesty and lack of tact and way too much information combined? Be afraid.
2. Erm, awesome, dude? A beautiful and beautifully-considered answer. Thank you!
3. Bugger. Ratbags. Smeg. Frak. Frell. Poot. Et cetera! (that's for the no-show, and for the ankle, but obviously not for the threat/promise)
3a. My YM crashed a few minutes ago. Bad YM! No biscuit!
So there.
2. Thank you! There are a few things I'm passionate about.
3. Agreed. No biscuit indeed!
YM is back...
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