Sep 15, 2005 19:51
The problem with dating someone who is goign to a 4 year college on naturalpathic medicine. Is in the day in and day out conversations, you find yourself lossing out on some of those old die hard glories of a fast food nation. I will not say that it is something that I entirely feel bad about. But sometimes there is this craving for just good old grease.. It comes down to fries... Old style cut and made fries... But I have long wondered what to do in this house without Jonney's Seasoning Salt to do... Then I was taken to earlier today when I was eating breakfast of sorts with Rachel, Jim and Becca at the Globe.
Hold on!
First of all, the Globe is a GREAT vegan breakfast place opened everyday from 9-3pm on 14th between Pike and Pine on Cap Hill in Seattle... In a word the place is the best food I have had in a while since goign to Beaterville, in Portland. I am normally not into the Food Phobia fad of others, but this is a place you have to go some time... But low and behold on the table was this HUGE thing of Nutritional Yeast... (Now mark my words! In 10 years we will find out that Nutritional Yeast has some little cancer causing agent if you eat it in simply grotest proportions, and the vegans will go out into the streets yelling and screaming that you are the horned version of the four horseman for adding a DROP to any mixture.. But for now we are all safe!)
So tonight as Becca is off and I am sipping wine in the house that I now live in, I decided to make Fries... Topped with.... NUTRITIONAL YEAST! The stuff is like CRACK! So in the end I am in grease heaven!! And yes! I am using good oils and draining the shit out of it before eating... Face it, the simple life could be so good...
Oh well... Enought for now... Tonight is night home with a book... Read it in one night, and catch the suspence...
The Shipping News
by Some DUDE!!!
-- Ridgewalker