Around the world and back...

Feb 14, 2010 01:03

Three years... A time that I cannot cross in simple words, but only in fragments meanded together amoung long thin lines. A time of true discovery, and a feeling of being alive. For once in this passage through the many seasons of life, I understand. In more ways then one can comprehend, a true Bohdi moment, maybe the one I was always looking forward. Some cast it off as BiPolar moments, but as the days follow by and my life still resides insightful, one can only understand it as a evolution in thinking. I indeed changed in these years of travel. And perhaps matured into understanding.

A writer, I feel so posessed to share these insights, but they come in bits and peices. Yet there is a continuance that flows through it all, a story waiting to be told and yet to fully be written. Some where between the heights of granite Spires, to the, the long plains of Canterbury. the ocean side beaches of Fiji and the Abel Tasman, there is this connection. Landscape and person, linked in one, tied together through the people meet along the way. Their stories acting as a harmony among the whole of the rest of the world. It is through these stories that we tie our own...

Somewhere while healing from long bitter wounds, I found the stories of others and made them part of my own. I hope to illuminate on the little told storied of our fellow man, that I have meet along the way. Ones that lift the heart to the horizon... These are the stories of this last few years of travel... I hope you enjoy...

-- Jorj Aldair
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