Curses, I lost the previous challenge -.- The forfeit would probably be posted soon. Roar.
1) 2 prompts will be given every month in the first week of every month.
2) Both writers are to choose one of the prompts and write a story (of any length) based on the chosen prompt.
3) The deadline for every prompt is 1 month from the date the prompt entry is posted, unless otherwise stated.
4) Both writers may use the same prompt.
5) A writer may choose to do both prompts.
6) After the challenge is complete, all stories will be linked from this post.
7) Failure to complete the challenge will result in a forfeit, decided by the other writer
8) In the event that both writers are unable to complete the challenge, the forfeit for both writers may be decided by each other or a third person.
Both prompts are from
here and
here. Do I have to keep posting this? I guess I do...
Prompt #1: It was the fact that she was an irascible bully that had got her into this situation.
Prompt #2: Binder clip
Deadline: 3rd February 2011
Word of the month: IRASCIBLE
1. (of a person) Easily made angry.
2. Characterized by or arising from anger.
Definition taken from Google
[INCOMPLETE] Ice's Entry (Prompt #2):
HPS Toa's Entry (Prompt #2):
HPS Ice's Forfeit:
HPS -Toa-