Apr 08, 2004 22:31

Seems like alot of shit is going down and all it is is high school drama!!! its kinda sad as well because half the people you once new you will not know in the future. Even if you say hey htere are my best friend i will know them for life. life has a way of fucking with you and you have no idea where its going to take you. i have to say that you should just put the drama shit in the past but all of us have some and others just get brought into it. it will never go away untill you realize that your in it and its just not apart of life. i had some hsd(high school drama. it sucked ass i was trying to make someone like me for who i silly was that!! how can you be yourself in high school and still be liked by everyone around you. Face it there will alwas be someone that doesn't like you or that hates you for some reason. i know because for a while i would change myself so that i wasnt so "annoying" to a sertain person and instead of it helping i think it made it worse. i feel sorry for that person she was fun to be around for the most part and was a good friend to have i thought her wise and funny but in the end she let me down and there is nothing to be said. not even to try to fix it she just wanted it over with i guess, i guess im just annoying or something and could never be liked... o well i will never change myself for anyone anymore its to hard and you soon forget who you really are sometimes and when you remeber you feel empty inside because you just found out that you are lieing to yourself about who your really are. its a crappy feeling and i wouldnt want to have that feeling back for anything in the world. i dont like when my friends fight and i would try to stop it if i could but what the hell can you do when no one will stick up for you? i found out that as a friend you should stick up for somone that you care about as a friend. i have to say that in some people they dont hold the same values. i cannot forgive greg and his girlfriend for what they did to me. i stick up for all my friends if someone was making fun of them or going to do something to them that would hurt them or make them mad. well when gregs gf hated me for no apparent reason which she wouldnt tell me why she told me that i should come over.... bad idea huh... well greg was my friend and all the fighting was making him mad so i went over there to make up and hope that everything could go back to the way it used to think that acctually when i got there greg was over and fran was to. so there was 2 people that hated me amanda and fran not a good place to be. well when i got into the house all i heard was people running into a room giggling and when i got down there they were all in the room with the door closed. i was like son of a bitch this is all a joke and i felt like shit i thought that i was going to do with for greg and he was in that room with them. he wouldnt come out or anything. i waited for 5 min listining to them laugh over my expence on being a nice guy and wanting peace with them. they never came out. i was devestated i could have cried because even my best friend wouldnt even stick up for me, MY BEST FRIEND not even him would come out and say sorry man i didnt know or anything. he told me after words that he was already in there eating popcorn and he didnt feel like coming out. i was like omg are you that fat and lazy that a popcorn bag or whatever he was eating was more important than his friend.i guess so. his stomach is bigger than his heart. after that something happend and amanda told me to come back over and this was a diffrent night. so i did and she hugged me saying that she was sorry for hating me and still wouldnt tell me why she did. i never hated her and i still dont but i can not forgive anyone in that room for doing that to me.

as a friend i would like you to be truthfull with me and tell me what is bothering you i will not change myself but i can make it so i dont do things around you that you dont like.

so sence i said i would like people to be truthfull greg if you read this i do this as a friend and i dont want anyone else telling him i said this. i want him to read it himself not that he heard it from someone else because that could be bad.

all who read the journal before knows what i said but at the time it seemed like a good idea but i was having mixed emotions and i wasnt thinking clearly. if i wanted to be truthfull thani would say it to his face and instead i put it up on live journal were anyone can read it. so i take it back and i will leave it alone.

i feel better now i have kept all this inside me and it feels great just to let it out im sorry if i have offended any of you and i would like to hear what you have to say unless your the girl that i was talking about because than that would only be bitching.
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