Neo Genesis Vol.30 - Kagrra, x Gazette Interview - Part 1/4

Nov 12, 2008 18:31

To all the lovely people of this comm, I'm finally back!!! And I've missed you guys so much!! And I've missed translating. T__T But now that I'm on holidays again, I can finally start getting translations done and out there again!

To start things off, I've translated the first part of the crossover interview from the recent Neo Genesis, with Kagrra, and Gazette. To be honest, it was more interesting than I thought it would be. I imagined it would just be general conversation about their personalities, but there's stories of events that happened quite a long time ago, and it seems like this is information that's never been talked about before. Well, I would say more, but I'm pretty exhausted from the exams I did today and I have to leave some element of surprise. xD;

So here's the translation!

Scans credit to rawkstarr23 in gazette_daily. Thank you always! <3

Note: I've colour coded this one to make it easier to read.
Reita = Green
Kai = Red
Nao = Purple
Izumi = Blue

Neo Genesis Vol.14
Kagrra, x Gazette Interview

Part 1/4

---First of all, please tell us your initial impressions of each other and how you got to know each other.

Kai: With getting to know Kagrra,, that happened when we were signed up with this record label [PSC]. Kagrra, were signed up before us and were signed up 5 years ago...

Reita: We knew about Kagrra, before then though.

Kai: We knew about them, but it was only through TV and magazines.

Reita: Yeah, things like that. (laugh)

Kai: So, honestly, we started off with the impression that Kagrra, was "like that."

Nao: I see. With us, we just thought Gazette were scary the first time we saw them around. (laugh)

Kai: (laugh) You've said that before, too.

Nao: Of course, it was your image. You seemed like kind of emo guys.

Reita: Ahh, of course, you told us that when you first met us. That you thought we were scary guys but wanted to get to know us better.

Nao: Yeah, that's right. Your music was different to ours, but I thought that if I'd tried to talk to you, you would have been really sociable guys.

Izumi: I actually had a kind of false start with my impression of them because I contacted the president of the agency and went to one of Gazette's lives. That was still when it wasn't certain if they were going to be signed up or not, when you played at Takadanobaba.

Reita: Ahh~!

Kai: That was just after I joined.

Nao: (shocked) Just after I joined!?

Kai: I joined the band midway.

Nao: Ah, really?

Kai: Yeah. It was around a year and a half after they'd formed.

Reita: By the way, our old drummer had a picture of you in his notebook. (laugh)

Nao: (embarrassed) That's nice.

Kai: Speaking of that time, I...

Reita: Had to join. (laugh)

Izumi: That live was my first impression of them, but I remember them being new, or fresh. At that time, there were a lot of bands were their music suited their looks, weren't there? When I saw Gazette for the first time, I thought "These guys are a little different. I wonder why."

---Did you talk backstage at all?

Izumi: That was my first meeting with them, so we talked a little bit.

Reita: By the way, what was your impression of us at the time?

Izumi: Well, I didn't think you were scary, but, well, Ruki was a little scary. (laugh) He wore contacts and I remember thinking "can he see?"

Reita: That reminds me, Kagrra, had a fanclub event at Asakusa, right?

Nao: Ah~ we did, we did. The 5 of us all went to different places, didn't we?

Izumi: It was the kind of event where we dispersed ourselves in the streets of Asakusa and the fans had to go and look for us. When they found us, they got a stamp.

Reita: We were there then.

Izumi & Nao: Eh~~~!?

Kai: Yeah, yeah, with the president.

Reita: We actually finished a live early on that day so the president told us "Kagrra,'s going to be doing an event in Asakusa now."

Kai: And he said "So let's go look for them together," and we went. (laugh)

Reita: Seeing it from behind, we thought it was amazing.

Kai: Yeah, yeah. I could only find Akiya and Shin though.

Reita: I found every member.

Kai: Well, I couldn't find them.

Reita: You just have no sense. (laugh)

Nao: This is the first time I've heard this.

Izumi: Were you spying on us?

Reita: No, we looking around perfectly normally.

Nao: But didn't you stand out?

Kai: No, at that time we didn't stand out at all.

Reita: We were pretty shabby. (laugh)

Kai: Yeah, we blended in with the scenery. (laugh)

---(laugh) At least you weren't invisible.

Nao: I wish you would have told me though.

Kai: I guess I could have told you at, maybe, the bowling tournament?

Nao: I guess..

Kai: But personally, I feel that Izumi has influenced me, and the members of Kagrra, are all like kind older brothers to our members.

Nao: Because you're good with words, Kai. (laugh)

Kai: (laugh) No, it's the truth~

---How long ago was the bowling tournament?

Reita: If I remember correctly, that event happened around 2 months after we joined PSC.

Kai: And all 5 of us went together.

Reita: Yeah. And we were introduced as "Gazette" there, but we all went a bit crazy and played wearing bandanas. (laugh)

Kai: Yeah, that's right. We felt like all the bands were competing seriously. So we were like "Alright! Let's all work together to defeat them!" and we all went with the same thing.

Izumi & Nao: Wahahaha

Reita: Now that I think of it, we were really out of place.

Nao: Dressed like that?

Izumi: When I saw what you were wearing, I thought "These kids, they'll fit in well." (laugh)

---With their bandanas. (laugh)

Izumi: Like working together and forming a team. (laugh)

Reita: It's kind of painful looking back on it now.

Kai: It was pretty bad.

Reita: It's just that if a new band went to the bowling tournament wearing bandanas now, we'd all be like "what the hell are they doing?" (roar of laughter)

Kai: Yeah, that's true. Didn't everyone think that when we did it anyway?

Reita: .... Probably. (laugh)

Kai: But that's what started us talking with everyone a lot more.

Reita: Definitely, now we go out to eat with our fellow bands a lot more.

Nao: Ahh, that's true.

Kai: And, we always met each other within the agency.

Izumi: Yeah, now when we talk, it's a lot more natural.


In the next part, the guys talk about exciting things that have happened between the four. Look forward to it. :DD

Discussion Topic: What are your thoughts on LEECH? This could refer to the whole single or just the song if you haven't heard the whole single yet. I've been away, so I've only heard LEECH, but I really liked it. :D Um.. I would say more but my brain is still mush. D:

Also, what do you think of the colour-coded names? Helpful? Distracting? Annoying? Opinions wanted!

reita, neo genesis, kai

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