Age: 20
Height: 170cm / 5'6"ish (actress).
Weight: ~58kg/~130lbs (guesswork).
Medical Info: Nothing worth mentioning as of now.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Dark brown.
Physical traits: Nothing out of the ordinary, here. Just a girl!
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Just about anything; Natsumi is astoundingly normal. If you say something too weird, she's liable to try and find an exit quickly, but other than that, fire away!
Abilities: Natsumi has a special technique - the Laughing Pressure Point. Usually executed with the thumb, it causes the victim to laugh uncontrollably for a minute or two, whether they like it or not. Should you prove to be annoying/mean/startle Natsumi a little too much, you'll ... probably be subject to it. But it's relatively harmless, in the long run.
Per canon update, Natsumi can also become Kamen Rider Kivaara with the help of
rideswherever , which pretty much gives her the supernatural-armor-and-weapon power indicative of being a plastic suit heroine. She's not invulnerable to damage, though.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: There's nothing too extraordinary here either - if you're able to tell, she's traveled to several different worlds; she has died on one occasion and was brought back to life with another person's life force, for anyone able to tell that sort of thing.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Oh, of course! Well, spitting is gross, but I won't stop you.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Certainly! But if you're just doing this for no reason, be aware that it might not end well (see "Abilities" for more information).
Maim/Murder/Death: Let's chat beforehand, shall we? I'm generally alright with batting her around, but please check first, just to be on the same page.
Cooking: Natsumi can cook, albeit not spectacularly. It's certainly edible, and it doesn't taste bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it could stand to improve.
Other: If you have any other questions, feel free to comment here and ask. I'm happy to help! ♥