rideseveryone IC: Tsukasa is in a frustrating place. He is in a weird place with Natsumi, struggling with cabin fever, and antsy to get out and continue his journey. His vacation to KaiserShocker should alleviate some of this, but the rest of it is hard.
OOC: Tsukasa is... hard to get out. And that is unfortunate. He has gotten to the point where he knows anything he does is futile, so it's just leaving him to stew in his own annoyance. And that makes him hard to play. I have fun when I do play him, I just... A lot of the attraction in playing him is being able to do those silly speeches, and then turn around and kick twenty kinds of ass. But he can do neither here because the chances never come up, and it is kind of frustrating.
TO-DO: -Canon-review
-Get him more CR.
DESIRE TO PLAY: ■■■■□□□□□□
healerhat IC: Yellow is pretty chill! Misses her friends, but is happy with her Pokemon. Wants to jesus Platina, make friends with all the zombies and gorillas and so on.
OOC: I am kinda feeling like I am Doing It Wrong with Yellow lately, especially when threading with new people. She should be out there getting to know people, but she is just hard to do that with. I have fun when I do play her, I just... bluh. No idea what to do. I don't even feel like doing much with camp effects at her because it doesn't feel like she has much CR. If I drop anyone, though, it's going to be her.
TO-DO: -Get more CR.
-Figure out post ideas that could get lots of interest.
-Glare at Japan until Yellow reappears.
DESIRE TO PLAY: ■■□□□□□□□□
woodfortono IC: Just got a date with the moe, and then she turned into a tiny. WHOOPS. But he's still pretty chill. Knows a bunch of pirates, Jii's here now, fuck yeah life is good.
OOC: Life being good makes him also hard to get out! Fortunately, he is a lazy thing and this can be fairly IC, but I just don't have much to do with him. He's pretty chill.
TO-DO: -Canon review.
-Plot a date post with Kotoha?
DESIRE TO PLAY: ■■■■□□□□□□
adarkenedoath IC: In a bad place. With Xehanort here and unable to do anything, he is furious. So he's throwing himself into training, getting stronger, and this doesn't let him socialize much. But he knows he can't do anything to Xehanort yet, so he's just stuck here with no goals and a lot of problems, and he can't even wander worlds.
OOC: Pretty much exactly the IC problem. He doesn't have anything to do. No goals to try for, no people to save, no quests for information... So it leaves him with nothing that gets his attention. I need to do something about this. I don't thread with castmates other than Riku and Aqua nearly as often as I would like, either.
TO-DO: -More lessons with Riku.
-Maybe try about a plot with Xehanort? Dunno what.
DESIRE TO PLAY: ■■■■□□□□□□
threshprince IC: Karkat hates you all. Okay, in seriousness, no he doesn't. He's kind of okay with the way things are now, though he hates himself as much as ever. His current problem is how bad he fucked up with Dave. Shit sucks. He's ignoring this now, and... well, he hates all humans still! But he's coming to be buddies with John, or at least give him some measure of respect. With the trolls, he's constantly spewing abuse at them, but he does care about them all.
OOC: oh god it's my soul animal. Karkat is by far the easiest to play, I can do so many hilarious things with him. He is actually kind of detrimental to my playing anyone else, because when I look at a post I can instantly come up with hilarity to respond with, and it makes me sideline everyone else.
TO-DO: -Everything.
-All of the things.
-All of them.
DESIRE TO PLAY: ■■■■■■■■■■
crazylikeafrog IC: Super-confused! He doesn't really get what's going on, but he's basically finally gotten that he's here, he's not going home soon, and that's okay it won't fuck up anything back home. So now he's just happy that Sasuke is here, though... a bit confused! He was expecting an EPIC BATTLE next time he saw Sasuke, not... having to prove who he was. So then he tried to provoke Sasuke into showing some reaction (with the Harem Jutsu, lulz) and got nothing. He doesn't get it at all! But he knows Madara isn't here so he will try to, if not jesus Sasuke, at least attempt to get him to not attack Konoha. ... Which is absolutely the opposite of what he expected he would have to do. Time hijinks!
As for everyone else, Itachi's presence is giving him serious guilt and sadness, and he just doesn't get why Itachi can't just go home like everyone else. Gaara's presence was also surprising, but welcome! He hasn't seen Shikamaru yet though, and that is sad.
OOC: Holy shit, you guys, it is so fucking intimidating to play Naruto. This was not unexpected, but there's a difference between knowing about it and playing through it! I am constantly paranoid of doing it wrong and that does make it harder for him to be out there than it should. I have a wiki link and a manga tab open at all times when I play him, to make sure I don't make mistakes, but... eesh.
Other than that, he's fun. I kind of worry I was playing him too dumb, but apparently, official Word of Kishimoto is that Naruto really is as dumb as a bag of bricks, because he 'hates smart characters'. (This explains Sakura, doesn't it?) But he's still clever and I want to play with that in battles but... like with Tsukasa, there is no fighting to get done. At least there's no shortage of castmate threads!
TO-DO: -Get him out there and making friends.
DESIRE TO PLAY: ■■■■■■■■□□
I'm enjoying camp so much. I cannot express this enough, everyone here is so goddamn awesome. I'm not as active here as I would like, so I need to fix that, but... real life is a bitch.
Real life is such a bitch, and classes start up again soon, so ahhhh i'm going to be even more screwed for RP time. Plus I'm unemployed and that really needs to change. I don't really know what I'm going to do, but I will do my best to keep playing here forever.
bluh bluh sentimental bitch
Problems I'm having with the game is that I have a truly terrible memory, so I keep forgetting CR until it's well-established, which... makes getting it well-established hard! I find thread-logs a pain in the ass, so... maybe I can do a CR sheet at some point or something.
TO-DO: -Attempt to thread log with that Twitter I made for it ages ago.
-CR sheets?