Title: Change of Program
Pairings: Minho/Taemin, Myungsoo/Sungjong, Sungyeol/Sungjong (one-sided), Myungsoo/Sungyeol (friendship)
Ratings: PG to PG-15
Genre: fluff, romance
Total word count: 10,717
Summary: College AU in which Minho and Myungsoo are stepbrothers who meet fraternal twins Taemin and Sungjong.
A/N: The perspectives switch from Minho to Myungsoo with a "~~~~~~~". Scene changes are "-----". For Myungyeoljong,
this photoshoot was the main inspiration. For 2minkey,
this photoshoot was the main inspiration.
Things I had wanted to write but didnt...:
- Jongkey relationship
- Wookey friendship
- Onew and Sunggyu as music teachers
- Hoya and Dongwoo as dance teachers
Part I Part II Part III Part IV