Post With The Most

Jun 18, 2009 21:36

Most to Post
~I've not posted a lot recently, frankly it has been so up and down that I wouldn't know where to start. From happy-go-lucky to down-n'-out, the roller-coaster ride that -I- keep going on makes for interesting experiences. Far from the usual mind-track, the things I put myself through are ridiculous, but it is that part of me that makes me the Ethan people know. Would I like to change? Well of course, but who would I be then? I've been a lot more outgoing since the relocation and outing, though recently the only thing I want to do is retract back a bit and regain myself. I don't really know who I am, not that I don't have a good idea, but at 25 should there still be shaded areas in ourselves? Seriously, are we supposed to know ourselves at this point? I digress to a point that this is a long post for myself. It is a needed piece and I hope it helps me in the future with figuring things out. Now, without further ado...

Beautiful British Columbia
~The days have gotten longer and much warmer, a blessed thing for this hot-blooded horse. Summer has come to BC and I have fallen back in love with the area once more. Not that there was no heart for it before, but the rain and grey put a damper (literally and figuratively) on view and mood. For a climate that sees rain for a good part of a year, it quickly goes to dry as a bone during the spring/summer season; a surprising tidbit I've noticed especially this year. We also have planted more area around the patio which has been requiring water up to twice a day; a hardship with water restriction being put down on the local area. The beauty it has added to our little corner of PoCo is worth the work though, and it gives us a unique look.

Just a single bloom of the rose tree- Julia Child rose

Helping Pawz
~The group has been busy with local events, 3 consecutive weekends and now a long break. It has been a blast helping spot for the characters; the smiles on faces of both young and old is prof and payment for the work these guys give. This year I've noticed a sizable increase in crowds, which is good for our part but most wonderful in the simple facts that more people are participating in volunteer work and charity causes.

There are far too many causes that I would love to give money to, but sadly the money is just not there to be able to hand it out so freely. The time we put in with keeping the crowds entertained, I hope, makes up for any meager monetary donation I could have made. The added bonus of a socialization demand on myself along with keeping some sort of control to a chaotic group brings a good feeling at the end of each day. Though honestly these guys could do it alone, their talents far beyond those theme-park mascots, I hope my being there is an aid to the event and Helping Pawz alike.

I did miss the one event that I had looked forward to, JDRF at the Zoo, and at a cost. Work (will go into it in detail later) needed me and thus I was unable to make it. There was a small group that ended up going and from what I am told, they had another huge turnout. Good but also bad as the sun parted the clouds and turned our furred friends into ovens. Poor Thumper just about passed right out, thankfully he was able to run off to the changing area and catch his breath. At the previous event he “WAS IN TRAFFIC AND HIT BY A CAR”... well actually a little kid was in a pedal-cart and shinned him. He was knocked over and while in his tumble reached out to grab a nearby tent poll but ended up screwing his wrist. I was just turning around and saw it happen, had I been watching like I was supposed to, I could have saved the situation- Ethan fails twice for the Thump.

Ah well, good times nevertheless, and some of the guys even got some airtime! It's a good thing there is a break, I've just sent Wile out to be repaired as my mending is just not enough anymore. Me hopes to get wilebobcat his 2yr birthday gift, a new Wile suit before the year's end- looking at possibilities and just received a character design from my description of the bobcat. Which leads us into...

1. About half of the runners at the JDRF run, Swanguard Stadium

2. Nitro & Rennie posing for a picture with a few kids at the BCCHF

Wile's 30!
~The bobcat and love of my life, has just turned 30, a fact that I gracefully rub in his face :P. A small family gathering at his parents and then a large party at our pad followed. With nothing to give him this year, a party in his honor was the very least I could do. The turnout was good, I enjoyed the evening my hopes that everyone did as well. Glad to see people showing Wile they care, or was it the idea of booze and cake? Ah well, it was good to see everyone anyway.

I've been saving to pay for his new suit which I believe is far better a present than some little chochkas gathering dust. So... I'll have to ask him what old feels like, though he does not look nor act 30. Hehe, I'm awful but I'm already going to hell, why not have some fun too!

Jarett turns 30 with the fam.

The Crappy Tire Saga
~In April I submitted a list of requested days off for the next 3 months. The first one was missed, no worries we ended up not going to the event anyway, the next few were given to me with complaints that they were weekends, then because they don't put up schedules more than 2days from the next week, I was unaware that I didn't have off a day I had requested. When I saw the schedule I immediately brought it to the managers attention, no change “I need you here, you are the only senior on the floor.” Okay, so why is that my fault? This was the date where there was a Helping Pawz where Thumper nearly got heatstroke. Then to boot, they kept me late- Jarett had walked over and waited a good 30-60min before we were let out of the doors. On my way out I saw the look on his face which made me just continue walking away. He approached the manager at the door and had a few words with her (nothing rude or pointed at her, but made it clear that the poor scheduling will not be an excuse anymore and that I will not be there next time this happened.) The next 2 days at work were made fun by talks from managers about why things are the way they are and how I can always ask what days off I get. The point that I've been trying to make with the bitching I do, is that I shouldn't have to ASK for the schedule, it should be posted, and that's that LAW; 14 days to be exact!

I've got a lot of problems with how the Port Coquitlam Canadian Tire is run, the management does what it can, but it is the owner of the location that really causes the grief. Labor relations is soon going to get a call, I've had enough bullshit with this job- it is convenient and pays the bills, if not for this I would have been out of there long ago. The recent actions or lack there of has caused much more tension and loathing towards my employer, I'm not sure how much more I'm willing to take before I walk. This is ONE out of a DOZEN or so issues that have been plaguing my working front, it's also taxing my already waning attitude.

Pet-Petural Problems
~Not just any horse, I want THE horse, my horse. The people who have been leasing my horse recently contacted me and let me know they were done with Taco. It was a random phone call right before work, nothing to preempt it and a hard follow-up as I can hardly get any responses from them or the trainer who requested Taco in the first place. It's been over a year, the contract they signed had run out in February and I couldn't get an answer until now. I find out in this mess that they have been doing thing to him that I did not approve and will effect him through his remaining life. Upon notice I am in a struggle to find a place for him to go; my parents already have a lame horse on their hands, to add another is beyond their means, I'm strapped. Freaking out and left with a sick feeling in the gut, he is to be shipped to Quentin PA by the end of this month. All I want to do now is fly home and deal with this, the phone calls and emails just don't give any ease to the melancholy that makes up life at the current time.

Zion has also been a stress point. Falling ill a few weeks ago I had him at the vet and since then, the problem has not reared it's ugly head. It was an internal bacteria imbalance that caused his body to discard anything and everything he consumed. He was up all night trying to make it to a door with no success- it went on for two days and I called it in.

The age is coming into play more and more as well. Jarett and I headed out on a hike on the 10th, of course taking Zion. He made it but with a lot of stops and help. I believe it will be the last outing we take the pup on- aside from camping trips where he'll be in the truck or in the tent, Zion will have to stay at home. I want to take him out, he loves to go places and play around, but his body is saying no and I don't want to push him into getting hurt. It is a sad decision, but I have to do what is best for him, and his health and comfort are highest on my list of importance.

1.It's our little family- sitting on a bridge taking a break in Golden Ears park

2.Jarett and Zion- I could not resist taking this in black and white

No no, Rainfurest, though it is going to be my 'first' convention. Yup, that's right, Wile and myself are booked for the event so give a 'Neigh Neigh' as I am already excited though pensive too! I've heard good things and bad but I want to experience it for myself now. Not totally sure what to do nor how to take it, I'll be happy to hang with the local group in an all out “I don't give a fuck” time as we've booked a room for the whole time +1. AND I WILL NOT COMPROMISE ON IT AT WORK!

Though there is no Xenophon, I was thinking of a tail (Wile gave me THAT look though, I may forget the tail idea), Wile needs to be built and then maybe the next few years I can save a little to get myself a Xenophon done up- I do have the art now, it's a start.

There we go, just a tidbit of the happenings this month: some cheers, jeers, and even sneers. Looking forward to a long weekend; perhaps a camping trip to clear the air, I'm mentally drained. My parents, brother and his girlfriend will be visiting early July but I sense a lot of running around and a lack of rest on our part. Been getting close to some people and further away from others, sadly enough I'm still not comfortable being out without Jarett, he's a safety net and confidant that I'm struggling with. Though a hindrance I'm more worried for his sake as clingy me strangles the fun I know he use to partake in- with many fears, the last thing I want is for them to interfere with his life. Free will to Wile, he knows that and better assure himself of it.

A lot of excitement and let-downs, some unanswered questions, and a wish or two this last while.

work, life, pets, helping pawz

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