Oct 15, 2008 09:13
i'm sick.
like, really sick.
i haven't been sick since winter last year.
i have a really shitty baby tiny sad weak immune system so if the smallest sneeze blows in my direction and there is any kind of illness floating in it, i've got it.
but it's 80 degrees outside! i've never been sick in warm weather. just, always sick in cold.
maybe it's the weather changing. or... allergies. which i've never had a problem w/.
who knows! all i know is i fucking don't feel like getting on my bike and riding all over NW dc walking dogs outside all day. i don't want to use the sore muscles in my body, while having snot drip out of my nose cause i'm focusing on the whack ass headache that i have and can't figure out how to get rid of it.
generally, i always have a headache. but since yesterday it's been so intense and won't go away.
i also have the busiest three weeks coming up and i can't be sick!
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck it.