Sep 13, 2004 19:44
So yesterday was my last day @ work!! YAY!! i had like the worst weekend there so i was glad to be done. i had to go in at 8 sunday mornin 4 clean-up and me and nichole made it fun. we got done early and went jumpin on the spider jump thing and just goofed off all mornin then we all went swimmin in the wavepool befor we opened, it was fun tho lol.
anyways i saw w/out a paddle friday night w/ Joe. that movie was realy good i liked it alot so u shud go see it. saturday night i hung out w/ Jay and his friend Lee. we ate at WAFFLE HOUSE (my favorite lol) and went over to this guy Jame's house. hes rich as hell but anyways we had fun.
so this weekend nichole got asked to fair lol. i want to go but not w/out a date so hopefully someone will ask me soon. its only monday and im already ready for the weekend. me and nichole are goin to the waterpark to have fun instead of sittin on stand lol. (nichole-throwin rocks at zsabo!!) then on sunday nichole has a pageant and i want to go watch her. it will be fun. anyways thats all for now c ya!