Amazing stage, Amazing show, Amazing dancers and an amazing performer! Jin did something really great!
I don't have the time right now to write a report, I will after the last show, on sunday.
but few things: the intro was sooooo great!!!!! He said a text in English (the translation in Japanese was on the screens)...and there a sentence was like " Welcome to or/it's my Empire, my creation...."....and a remix of Wonder/bass go boom and Jin started singing an "electro" version of Yellow Gold in his "bubble throne" in the middle of the stage before he went to his drums for Christmas Morning (without Eternal Intro)
2 news songs but i'm not sure about the title: "MAGNITUDE" and " PIN DOM" (?)
The dance corners were amazing!! One alone with Joey, another they were in "jail"...yes, really amazing
And Jin sang Care and Murasaki, alone, with a guitar. Very moving. (even if he managed to fail at the beginning of CARE xD)
He said a cute "Taidama" at the end before announcing the release of the single.
Well I'm not sure about the setlist but it was something like:
Yellow Gold remix,
Christmas Morning
Bass Go Boom
body talk
A page
Love Juice
Hey girl
Pin Dom ?)
Fifth season
Yellow Gold
My MP3
Tipsy Love
At the end, on the screen, after all the credits, there was a "Special thanks to"...and all the names of people who attented the show were listed. It was adorable!!!!
But I was so disappointed by the audience. Again. Is it really too hard to move a little bit on a good music? I know Juice, the MC spoke in english but man, seriously it's not so difficult to understand that he wants to warm up the audience!!!
I'm so pissed of.
Even Zen said: Wanna support jin? Act like an american at his concerts- be loud! Scream, yell and dance around like crazy - he loves it :-) don't b scared!
I made a really bad audio >.< it's just the first fifteen minutes of the show: