New Car

Apr 04, 2009 15:06

I have a new car.  =)

It's a 2001 Saturn that I bought from Brad's sister.  Runs just fine; it's a step up from my Escort.  It may not last me more than a few years, but it's a good car, and for now it should do the trick.  So - even though I'll eventually be in the market for a new car again- I'm actually happy enough, now that I own reliable transportation, to cross it off my list.

I am on track pretty well to pay off my student loan by my birthday in just over a month.  I have a mere $1k left to pay, and it will be gone.  I received my tax refund a few weeks back, and that should help cover it once it gets to that point.  I'm doing so well right now, though, that I hate to just say, "That's it!" and put all of that money toward the loan.  Then I'll just be back where I was before the tax refund.  Perhaps I will stretch it out over a few more months yet.  Although, once the loan is paid off, that means that, not only am I not paying interest on that money anymore, but any extra income I receive can go directly to savings.  And that would be an amazing thing.  We'll see.  Maybe I'll stick to my original plan and make my final payment on my birthday if I can guarantee myself that I'll have a minimum of $1k left in savings and $400 in checking.  That might be a good idea.  Than I'm still okay in case something happens.  It'll take work, though.

My next goal is to start the interior design training course through Sheffield School of Interior Design to ease my way in to ID.  We'll see how I do with that program, and then pursue the next step (whatever that is) if it seems to go well.  I'm still really excited to do this.

#4 is coming along.  We're not engaged yet, but we have some priorities that are being straightened out in preparation, and Brad has hinted that he has big plans for us in the very near future.  Now, if one of us could just get a full-time job...

That, by the way, is my new #1 goal.  Full-time, or even part-time - whatever.  I just need something that pays more.  If I can get that, Brad and I might even be able to support ourselves on two part-time jobs.  My current part-time job isn't going to cut it, though.  $8k/yr is just not enough.  We're both sending out resumes furiously.  We're just waiting for something to take.  But the market's a bear right now - you can't find a decent job to save your life.  It'll happen.  God hasn't forgotten us yet.  I just hope God hasn't forgotten that Brad is starting grad school in May...

1.  Find a higher-paying job.
2.  Pay off my student loan by May 9th, 2009 - and still have $1k left in savings and $400 in checking.
3.  Continue to explore education options for interior decorating.
4.  Marry the love of my life.
Purchase 2004 Toyota Corolla LE (or similar).
Learn to be financially trustworthy.
Pay off all my credit card debt.
Purchase a new computer.
Give photography a shot.
Find a job that pays the bills.
Update my wardrobe.

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