so ready for summer

May 26, 2005 13:48

wow. freshman year went by so fast, and it was so awesome. i had the best and worst times. but hey, its over and summer started 45 minutes ago! =D im so happy.
nothing exciting happened today. just a whole bunch of 'have a good summer!' and 'call me!'s. this summer should totally kick ass.

in a way ill miss this year ♥

well im totally copying off alley.. but what the hell its a good idea.

10 most important things i learned this year
10. being a freshman isnt all that bad.
9. just because your friends do it doesnt mean you have to.
8. it's okay to vent once in awhile.
7. mr weigel is the hottest science teacher yet.
6. getting a 'C' on your report card is nothing to cry over.
5. going out with a senior isnt the best desicion ever.
4. at one point in your life you'll fall in love with one of your best friends.
3. just because the 'popular' girls get all the guys, doesnt mean all te guys like them.
2. instead of having boyfriends, its almost always nicer to have friends that are boys.
1. the friendships that last freshman year are the friendships you'll never forget.

i'm so lucky to have met these people, whether they were friends/bestfriends/boyfriends/enemies, they were those who impacted my life freshman year

+Charlotte- we went through so much this year. truthfully, im surprised we both stuck through all the fights and 'i hate you's. youve been such a good friend, even through my 'bad times', and the times when i wasnt me anymore. you know what i mean. i ♥ you charlie baby.

+Kayla- at the begining of the track season i never would have thought that we would become so close. you= the fast, awesome junior. me=the quiet, new freshman. i love being able to talk to you and vent to you. i dont know how i would have made it through all this mess without you. thank you so much.

+Bre- even though we dont talk alot, i still know you are always there for me. you are so nice and thank you for being there.

+Guy- mr. pepitone. wow. what can i say? we went from .. well.. lets just say, late night beach buddies, to bestest friends. i remember the first time i met you at 7-11 and the last dance. i can always call you when im down and you make me feel so much better. even if you do just play jack johnson. i ♥ you masta.

+Russell- woah i don't know what to say. the three months i spent with you were awesome. times im never going to forget. now you have become one of my best friends. i dont even know what to write. youve helped me become the girl i am, whether you view it as good or bad, i see it as good. thank you russ.

+mike- you are the sweetest guy ive ever met. wow i totally remember liking you. haha, but now youre like a brother and im so happy to have you. i love you mike!

+ryan- i remember the begining of the year was awesome. thanks for all the support in track.

+Daric- wow. what to say? 1st of all i'm going to miss you a bunch. and im sad that we didnt really take the time to talk to eachother until just recently, but you are a really cool guy. i hope you come back and visit alot.

+alley- even though i havent seen you in forever, i can always talk to you. im so happy i got to meet you this year. ill come visit son, i promise ♥

+brooklyn- you inspire me. you went from being a well, not really 'lazy' track member, but kind of, to being an awesome girl who always sets goals and tries to reach them. its going to be awesome if i work with you. keep it up and our 4x400 team is going to states.

+taylor- biology with you was amazing. i vented so much to you im surprised you still talk to me, lol. all of our long conversation while our hott teacher was in the middle of lectures. thanks for being there ♥

+anthony- my ATHF buddy! wow i remember the begining of this year you signed my binder and i still have the signature. yay. wow, its been awesome knowing you.

+cody- english will never be the same without you. i remember i liked you at the begining of the year and i never thought you would ever like me, and then i was talking to you awhile ago and we were both like 'yeah i liked you at the begining of the year." haha. wow, well i ♥ you like a brother now<3

+neil and bryant- i have to admit, earlier this year i thought you guys were two thickheaded jerks. but now that we talk i figured out you guys are pretty cool. amazing, huh?

+amanda- remember night crawlers and scrunchie wars? haha we have grown up so much, too bad we didnt really grow up with eachother. we need to start talking more and catch up on these couple years.

+brittany- ohh yes whos going to play volleyball next year?! and you have to help me a bunch. track was fun with you, too bad you dont like it as much as i do. lol. this summer shoudl be amazing. maybe in like 3 years ill play on the same team as you. ♥ ♥

+james- sometimes you annoy the crap out of me, and at others you are a really good friend. thanks for all your help with the guys. you sure are a ladies man ♥ ... lol.. my sister.

+whitnee and sam- you guys have helped me realize that i am good at art and i dont always have to hate what i draw. i have to say, im upset i cant be in the NBK but.. ill get over it. lol.

+scott- you were one of my best friends all through middle school. the whole thing with you and me just helped me realize that some people are better of just being friends.

+cailtin- at one point i hated you. and now we are becoming friend i think you are a really nice person. thank you for letting me talk and vent to you. all i can say is.. wow. sean. =/

+trevor- you inspire me. i want to be a long distance runner.

and lastly:
+sean cody downing- i'd say that out of anyone on this list you impacted my life the most. we went from talking at the movies one night to making out in the back of your car the next. i grew up so fast with you. i didnt know what to do with myself. i loved you so much. for awhile i depended on you being there for me. you were there through some really difficult times. its frustrating how you dont even care about me anymore, but maybe it better off this way. us not talking has helped me lately. i just want you to know that we went through (almost) 6 amazing months, that i will never forget. no matter how much i did want to forget them i realize now that i need to hold onto the memories. like i said, 'us' will be the story i tell my grandkids about. you know what i mean. i love you and always will, but its a different kind of love and it has faded. I can just hope that you never forget me either.

alright im done. i know there are more, and if you feel you should be on this list comment and ill add you. but right now my fingers hurt.

i love you guys ♥
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