The meme that's the first lines from your last twenty fics (gakked from
If you were a shape you would be a perfect arrow. When he walked to Wilby Watch he went to find men who were there to find men. "Wrists together, Ray...thank you kindly," says Fraser, world's most polite dom. Let's kiss in Canada. Ray keeps his poetry on the inside and that's another one of those things he hides. Kowalski really wishes he hadn’t mixed the two IPA’s at the conference: International Police Association and India Pale Ale -- like Fraser’s tongue and electricity -- were not a good mix. “There’s good Goats and bad Goats, but there’s no Goat like the Billy Goat Curse.” City fit and a lot to say about it, not yet Arctic fit and saying even more. On Ray’s first birthday, the Vecchio family gathered around and sang “Tanti auguri a te, tanti auguri a te, tanti auguri Raimondo, tanti auguri a te”. Traversing the ice fields, Ray thinks of Fraser's smile. According to the Illinois Criminal Code 720 ILCS 5/3-5, 5/3-6, 5/3-7, there is no statute of limitations for first degree murder, attempt to commit first degree murder, second degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide, leaving the scene of a motor vehicle accident involving death or personal injuries, failing to give information and render aid under the Illinois Vehicle Code, concealment of homicidal death, treason, arson, forgery, child pornography, or certain specified sexual conduct crimes in which DNA evidence is entered into a DNA database. When a half-wolf lives in the city, he becomes more doggish and less wolfish, snacks on goldfish and stolen pastries -- scorns the hunt. "S” could be Stanley, “S” could be “Stalker”. White like a blank slate, this cold heaven where the ice promises pristine preservation. Not dog nor wolf - something of both. Come all ye fellow wolves, and prick forward your ears as a ballad I howl that spans many wolf years. Your Las Vegas life is like dry ice, burns you cold -- cold like the Vegas desert at night -- deadly cold -- deadly cold like you are now. April here in Chicago, where everything around me is bursting with a life I don’t feel. Raven-haired robber has plans for the blonde lawyer - date but not court date. It's the second hour of an evening stake-out marked by relentless rain and high winds.