Yays! Continuing my "Fannish 50 Streak" of having done fifty Fannish 50 posts per year for each year that Fannish 50 has been running, and also now completing the thematic responses to the due South 30th anniversary celebration's 30 Below Fest created by and run by flownwrong (there were seven thematic prompts of which I already did six and now here's the seventh).
That final prompt of the 30 Below Fest was called "Go Wild Week" and the meaning of that was left open to interpretation. I'm choosing to do it as reccing in two categories that I wouldn't ordinarily rec: reccing a WIP and reccing a tagged "unfinished and discontinued". (Coincidentally, both of these dS fics are science fiction AUs and are F/K.)
For one, there's the series
Real Life on AO3, currently comprised of two completed parts ("Real Boys" and "Real Worlds") and with a third part ("Real Girls") that's
an active WIP posting snippet-by-snippet on Dreamwidth. On AO3 the author's pseud is
MSSalieri and on Dreamwidth it's
troyswann (also, in some other fannish spaces, simply salieri).
The other is
The Xenobiology Service on AO3 by
luzula. She is still very much active in writing fic, but has been writing in a fandom other than dS for some time now. While I'm sad that she doesn't plan to continue this fic, what there is of it I <3 so much that I've read it and reread it multiple times over the course of years.