Finished a paper

May 05, 2004 00:09

I've been rather busy lately. This afternoon, just barely in time, I finished a paper for my advanced semantics class called "A Construction Grammar Parser for Interactive Fiction." Yes, as in Zork, etc.

It's done, but I can't say I'm incredibly happy with it. 17 pages, though. One of the longest papers I've done for a class, but mainly because I'm trying to provide plenty of background for those unfortunate souls who've never lived the experience of interactive fiction. (Including my professor.)

In spite of the fact that I turned it in, I'm not happy enough with it to post the PDF publicly yet. I'll do a once-over of it again soon, though, and then y'all can tear it to shreds. Or stand in utter bafflement as I completely fail to explain my idea. Oh, well.
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