Mar 12, 2012 00:06
So sorry for the neglect lately LJ, things have been hectic lately.
I've been working 8 shifts a week, acquiring 40+ hours a week, SCHEDULED that none the less yet it's still my fault when I get overtime. Dumbass.
Anywho, things have been pretty rad lately. I've been going out a lot with the gang, we've had quite a few memorable evenings. These are the times to enjoy, the nights you look back and just laugh at each other. You can never have enough.
I've also made a nice collection of new friends as well, I guess I'm not as socially awkward as I thought I was.
Last night I got a new tattoo, two pansies on the inside of my upper arm, for my Mommom.
I thought about it today, I miss her so freaking much. I know she would love it, it came out even better then I could have imagined.
Roo is demanding we go to bed now, and we all know how she's the boss around here.