All submissions must be completed drafts. You may still make changes later on, but the art should be complete enough that an author could work from it even if no changes are made.
The deadline for all submissions is at 11:59 PM (GMT -10) Sunday, May 18th.
Submissions must be sent to '' with the subject: Art Submission. Attach your file to the e-mail. If you have more than one submission, send them separately.
If your video file is too large to attach to the e-mail, you may upload them privately on a video hosting site such as Vimeo or Youtube and send us the link.
Images can be in any of these formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF.
Videos can be in any of these formats: AVI, MOV, MPG, or WMV.
Each submission must be at least 500px x 500px in size for a 2-dimensional art, or 30 seconds for a video. There is no maximum.
If you're submitting a comic, all panels must be saved as one image file to be submitted.
Please do not post your submissions publicly anywhere until after the claims reveal. All submissions must remain anonymous up until then.
Include this form below with the required information in the body of your e-mail:
LJ/Tumblr Name: Title of Prompt: If there is a second round of claims, do you want this art to be included? (This means that if we open the art to be claimed by a second author, would you like this piece to be included?) Rating: (Not your art, but the highest rating you'd like the fic to be.) Suggested Pairing(s): (Indicate if you prefer Gen, have preferred pairings, or don't care either way.) Warnings: (If your prompt contains any Graphic Violence, Character Death, Non-Con, any triggering content, or anything else you deem necessary, please indicate so here.) Description: (This is where you can include descriptions of your art, enticements, or any other preferences you think needs mentioning.)
If you have any questions, comment here below or send us an e-mail at ''.