May 19, 2005 19:02
Well my fellow inmates I am now packed and ready to head out to Hotlanta for a weekend of booze, debotchery, and of course kick ass music!!! In 2 days I will be able to scratch 'Nails off the must see list!
*Careful Possible Spoiler Alert*
On to anouther pressing matter, last night myself and every other member of the civilized geek army went to see Star Wars Episode III @ midnight. I must say it was rather good....BUUUUT not as good as I'd hoped. I felt the pacing was terrible and some of the battles were rather anticlimatic (anakin/dooku, obi-wan/grivious, Palpetine/windu) Problem was they formed great characterization around these characters in the "Clone Wars" cartoon but then went and made their last stands pathetic at best. Also they neglected to fix a rather gapeing plot hole, the fact obi-wann has no recolection of R2-D2 in ep 4...but hey I'm picky.
High lights:
Anakins Decent into darkness
Palpetines schemeing
Sneak attack on the jedi
Yoda holdin down the fort
Wookie army
Anakin/Obi-wann fight..."YOU WERE SPOSE TO BE THE CHOSEN ONE!!"
And although Jar-Jar didnt die in a nightmarish fasion I have come to terms with it because in my mind having his head cut off would have been quick and painless no he will have to deal w/ the horrors of old age and die a slow death of desise (im thinkin cancer or plague).
Final Question: Do you consider yourself to be a jedi or a sith??? (As for me Im a jedi all the way....LOL)