Jan 17, 2005 23:29
Thats right folks here is the second installment of the 10 greatest comic villians of all time dun dun dun (mminyical laughter while stroaking snydley whiplash mustach)
*Editors note: There has been a slight change LL has been bumped up to #8). Why u inquire simply because Kang the Conquerer wills it!
9)I was torn as to who should share this spot but ultimately I went with Gorilla Grod (whoa whoa whoa before u have urself a GW style Hangin' here me out) granted Grod is nowhere the caliber of others but consider this: He is an ultra intelligent Simien who hates all human life wanting to either A) enslave us meek homosapiens or B) more convieniantly exterminate us. To make matters worse he arguably has one of the top three evil intellects in the DCU that mixed with his inhuman strength and more importantly the ability to preform mental attacks that envolve a barrage of horrific images into the mind of his enemy. Oh yeah I nearly forgot he has developted a great taste for human flesh after biting the flash once! He was the one to cripple Flash's ally Hunter Zoloman whice lead to the developtment of the new Zoom! I dunno to me an ape w/ a homosuperior intellect, paralyzing mental attacts, and a hunger for human flesh that rivals that of Hanibal Lector (very Planet of the Apes-esque, can I get a Chuck Heston "DAAAAAAMMMMNNNN YOOOOUUU!!!"). With that said I have one last thing to say "Get your hands offve me you DAMN DIRTY APE!"
8)Lex Luthor
7)Thanos "Mad God of Titan"- like many other space sleeze hes one of the last of his race...which is in fact his own fault: He droped several atomic bombs on his home planet the first one on his mothers home while she was asleep at home (eminem aint got nothin on that). Lets see where to begin ahh yes hes an intergalactic mass murderer who hates the very concept of life. You see at a young Age Thanos fell in love with the physical embodiment of Death itself, I dunno bout you but I find that creepy! His twisted mind is convinced that the only way to truly impress his beloved is to eradicate all life in the universe. Unlike other villians he could care less about ruling over the cosmos, he simply wants to destroy rverything (get the point yet?). Being born w/ a monsterous appearence that caused him to be shuned as a child turned out to actually be a blessing in disguise, turns out his skin is near invulnerable he has super strength, agility, reflexes, and endurance plus his mind is invulnerable to all forms of psychic attack. To make matters worse he is one of the marvel U's elite time travelers. At one point in time he possesed the fabled infinity gautlet (which grants the bearer supreme power, meaning not even the "great" phoenix could stop him). Unfortunatle for our intergallactic foe death didn't take kindly to his advances and cursed him emmortal so that he could never feel her cold embrace (what a bitch, Crazy neer all powerful murderers need love to). After this he has destroyed the marvel U etirely a few times only to reignite the spark of life for 2 reasons bordem and to spite the only being he ever loved.
6)Magneto- (yes it is true the "Master of Magnetism" went from nearly not makin my list to snagin the cosey #6 spot thanks to 3 very persuasive arguments) Mags has one goal in life and that is Mutant Superiority...by any means neccasary! As a boy, young Erik was imprisioned in a Nazi Concentration Camp which demonstrated to him humanities potential to be inhumane (Why does it always have to be Nazis, see they really are the definition of a universal heel). His first attempt involved the takeover of a nuclear missle base and planned on nuclear holocaust had it not been for the X-folk. Lets see what else by helpin Prof X design cerebro he has in turn devised a means of protectin himself from all psy attacks and trackin methods which mean one can never tell if the bastard is truly dead. At one point he took the entire planet hostage by useing Earths own magnetic feild hostage demandin a mutant governed homeland. The UN caved grantin him the island of Genosia. All would have been fine had it not been for a surprise attack by a limitless sentinel attack, which destroyed the soveign land. Youd think the world would have learned to let sleepin giants lie after Pearl Harbor but no humanity really is stupid. This led mags to reverse the Earths polarity thereby stoping its day night cycle (shutup im slightly tired and cant think of that damn R word). Storm nearly gave her life to fix the damage. Hmm oh yeah there was the time he reprogramed an army of Sentinels to Attack the white house. Not to be forgotten his imfamous extraction... where he literally tore the adamantium out of wolverines (aka most over rated character in the Marvel U) skin. Now I orriginaly posed the argument that Mags has flipflopped more times a morbidly obease torest's foot, at one point actually joining his foes the X-Men, But you can thank the Big Papa for rationalising it. Mags joined them for A) intel (enimies closer eh!?) and B) he saw an oppurtunity to rid himself of other uber powerful mutant competition who may try to take what he has built. Honerable mention hes recked the Xavier institute many a time (though it should be noted that this particular gimick was stolen from the avengers whose uber pimp mansion has been attacked many a time). But arguably his coldest moment? The time he used his powers to literaly sever his friendship w/ Charles Xavier by launching a mettle beam through the mans spine as the late great Ric James would say thats "Cold Blooded!"
so there it is folks the first half of my list now u must ask yourself when the next half will be out. but after 3 posts in one day...a personal record I must rest.
final querrey "Can u truly resist the power of the darkside??"