Still Here

May 19, 2004 08:33

Another week in full swing. Time is just flying by. Seems like yesterday that I was taking finals and here I am almost half way done with summer classes already. The week has been alright so far. I am just attending classes and working a lot. Feels weird to actually go to class everyday. For those who know me, you know that I am not real big on going to class, I ussually go 35% of the time. This summer however I am going quite a bit. I am so proud.

I wonder if Nathan and Jennifer are tired of each other yet? Probally....he he.

The doctor is giving me a lot of crap about getting cleared from MRS. I am fine and all the specialists agree, but my primary doctor is money hungry or something and wont just give me a letter that says hey Aaron is fine and good to go. So I can get cleared for ROTC stuff. I am really starting to enjoy this Weather mombo Jumbo. I am glad I changed to this.

I have been jamming to Kutless a lot lately. They are awsome. I highly reccomend them to everyone. To sample there music go to and open up there streaming music. #6 the passion is awsome....but so is the rest of their stuff.

Everything is going aight....I am looking forward to summer classes be over, and gettin my new gun. Kinda a good job present to myself. It is sweet. I cant wait to shoot it.

Talk to you later....Keep looking up.

Oh yeah, Quick story, I had this gay guy giving me a hard time about my t-shirt that says straight pride on the front and says what a concept on the back...followed by a few Bible Verses. He said, and I quote "that is just ignorant and rude." He then went on to tell me tha I need to keep my feelings to myself. Then he got in his car that had rainbow stickers all over the back. I like how people feel they can express themselves all they want, but when someone says something against is offensive. Well maybe your rainbow stickers and fudge packing tendencies offend maybe about it, they do. But I dont come and tell you to take your sticker leave me alone. We all have the right of freedom of expression. Not just people off the social norm.

Well anyways I am out. Later
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