Do I Have To?!! aka What I did on my summer vacation :)

Sep 14, 2006 08:15

As promised to vacation :)

Well,  the first part of it anyway..last week we were in Tennessee visiting David's parents, Saturday Meg and I will go to New Orleans and spend a week with my mom.  Yeah yeah, I know, it's not Cancun or Vegas but I never claimed to have an exciting life so shush!!

Just having David off for the week was great; with his work schedule we never really get to see enough of him it seems.  And, I absolutely love the mountains, so that was a big plus.  It's so weird, from the first time I ever caught a glimpse of the Appalachian Mountains, it felt like I was 'home', like I had been there before.  Seriously, it was (and is) freaky, the connection I have with them.  I'm not sure if I believe in reincarnation or not, but this definitely gives me cause to ponder it a little bit harder.

The week was nothing ultra exciting, but fun nonetheless.  We spent time mostly catching up with family, some we had not seen in years.  It was also our anniversary (8 years, baby!!) and even though we didn't get to do anything 'sepcial', we did manage to sneak away for some alone time (we talked..get your mind out of the gutter!! :P).  Just sitting there, sharing dreams and remembrances..ultra cool.

His dad took us on a boat ride down the Tennessee River; now THAT was fun!  It brought back memories of my own dad, who loved boats dearly.  Another 'weird sign', if you will, but I truly believe my Dad's spirit was there that day.  We saw a  hawk circle overhead several times, and I swear, something about it caught my heart.  I can't even explain it fully, but that dad was there, or at least his spirit was.  I know, not a very 'Christian' concept, but I firmly believe that.

The only real downside of the journey was an incident that happened when I was supposedly  'asleep'.  David and I had argued, and as most of you know, when I am angry..well yeah.  It was evident that we had fought, I suppose, and his mother caught wind of it.  Anyway, long story short, I ate something I shouldn't have which caused the usual 'fall asleep' reaction (aka general weakness and lethargy).  While I was in this state, his mother made several disparaging remarks about me, which I heard, and yes, they hurt like hell.  She later apologized (to David at least) and said she hadn't meant them, but I still find it hard to have the same feeling for her that I did before this.  I know she is under a lot of stress (she just put her own mother in a nursing home), but I guess, as was said to me..'people's true colors come out when they are offended'.  It saddens me to think that she could really believe this about me.

Ah well, better not to dwell on such things, eh?  I am looking forward to the visit with my mom next week, and dreading it at the same time.  My family is not exactly the Cleavers, so wish me luck!!  Half the time it's like walking into a battle-zone, the other half it's a sort of tentative 'cease fire'.  Better remember to pack that helmet!!

And there you have it, my ultra exciting vacation I get an A, teacher?!! :)  Laterz, ya'll.
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