Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf!?! Not Me!!!!!!

Aug 01, 2006 09:43

For those of you who don't know me (which is probably all of you), this post will make little sense. That's ok, this is my diary and this is a very self-indulgent 'attaboy' for myself.  So if you want to share in my little triumph, read on, if not, hey, that's ok too!

I finally conquered a demon that has been haunting me for more than 20 years.  Scoff if you will, words cannot put into proper perspective how much this has scared me for most of my adult life.  We are talking nightmares, feelings of panic, etc..the whole gambit.  What I'm talking about is not some life changing traumatic event..well kinda.  Yup, folks, welcome to my deepest darkest fear..a little girl.  Ah, but not just any little girl..we are talking a little girl with a BIG problem.  The year was 1974...and the little girl was Regan McNeil aka Linda Blair.  Yup, you guessed it..The Exorcist.

Ok, ok, I know what you're thinking..so just don't watch the movie already!! It' not that simple; at least it wasn't for me.  This one movie has had more influence over my life than most anything else I have encountered.  It truly did.  Until a few days ago that is..and thus the happy ending.

I don't even know exactly why I did it, but my daughter and I were discussing theatrical make-up tricks and how advances had been made since the earlier days of telivision/film.  Call it fate (or a weird desire to torture myself), the first thing that popped into mind was the makeup used on Linda Blair.  And so..we looked.  We found a webpage devoted to the whole process of how she was 'transformed' and for the first time in years..it was ok.  She was just a little girl, it was just Hollywood makeup..and that was that.  All the f ear, the panic, the self-doubts I had harbored seemed to evaporate the more I looked.  I ventured further and listened to sound recordings of various snippets..and that was ok too.  I  won't delve into all the possible reasons for this miraculous 'change of heart', but boy am I sure grateful!! Free at last!! Take that Linda Blair!!

In other 'news', I finished reading The Davinci Code and all I can say is..WHOA!! I couldn't put it down. Dan Brown is now definitely on my list of favorite authors and I cannot wait to see the movie!! Forgoing the controversial material;it was one hell of a mystery story and it sure kept me on my seat until the very end. Bravo!

I went to the doctor yesterday and now have to go through a bunch of tests..yippee!!  They are not sure if they have to operate or not; so cross your fingers that it is ...NOT! At least mom has offered to make the trek to Houston to help out if that comes to pass.  Yay for mothers!!

Speaking of which, I should go call mine ..sooooo..laterz!
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