Our 2009 round has come to an end and now it's time to reveal who our participants were.
diane_hawthorne wrote
Manipulation (Minerva/Tom; PG-13; prompt 153)
eaivalefay wrote
Altering the Parameters (Voldemort, Harry; PG; prompt 33)
scarletladyy wrote
Her Decision (Bellatrix/Voldemort; PG-13) for
jtavjtav wrote
Best Served Cold (Tom, Abraxas, Lucius; PG) for
korekankorekan drew
Phoenix Wand (Voldemort, Tom; PG-13) for
orpheus_samhainorpheus_samhain wrote
Soul To Soul (Draco/Tom; R) for
scarletladyy Thank you all for participating! The Dark Lord needs more hugs signs of devotion. Very special thanks go to
jtav who stepped in as a pinch-hitter *hearts*