Riddle_Gifts Masterlist

Jun 17, 2007 19:30

So here it is, the Masterlist of riddle_gifts! I have edited the names into the exchange posts, if I made a mistake somewhere, let me know!

Artists and authors with long fics, please upload the fic and art to your own servers and leave me a link, so I can edit the entries.

Ficathon Entries


Calling the Spirits by fairylein
Tom and OFC, R, NWS

Hookah by dreamred
Tom, PG

The Cat Got His Tongue by slytherinfiend
Tom and various students, G

Memory Remains by siriuslysnogged
Tom/Hermione, Snape, NC-17, NWS. Includes a drabble.


My Sweetest Nagini by rakina
Voldemort/Nagini, NC-17

Memories Unveiled by draconic_girl
Tom/unknowns, Tom/OC, SS/HP, NC-17

Golden Luck by siennalyamalor
Voldemort/Harry, PG-13

Flesh and Bone by svartalfur
Snape/Harry, Voldemort/Snape, NC-17

Whitechapel Echoes by lunalelle
Tom Riddle, adult

Serpent's Son by g_shadowslayer
Tom Riddle, G

Inside by barbie_manish
Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Ron(exteremly brief), Harry/Snape, Harry/Lucius, NC-17

The Return to the Fold by the_minx_17
Voldemort/Snape, R

Change in Curriculum by siennalyamalor
Voldemort/Harry, PG-13

Private Lessons by g_shadowslayer
AU!Tom/AU!Blaise, NC-17

Rage Against The Dying Of The Light by by_starkiller
Tom Riddle/Blaise Zabini, PG-13

Remorseless Fang by sapphiretragedy
Minerva/Tom, Harry, PG-13

The Magical Way of Life, Writ Large by eaivalefay
Voldmort/Harry, PG-13

Exchange Entries


ariadneelda drew Not All Is Lost for pondersosa121
Voldemort/Harry, others implied, NC-17, NWS

cnary_crem_dght drew Exquisite Entertainment for sh4rds
Snape/Harry/Voldemort, NC-17, NWS

mieronna drew Trusting the Dark Man for cnary_crem_dght
Harry, Voldemort, two Death Eaters, R, NWS

nimori drew Qui Vive for mneomosyne
Voldemort/Snape, Wormtail, Nagini, NC-17, NWS

sh4rds drew Stripped for rakina
Tom/Harry, Voldemort and Harry, R, NWS

hill_ drew Voldemort's Secret for britty
Bellatrix, Voldemort, random OC's, PG-13 for language

karasu_hime drew In Holding for ariadneelda
Harry/Voldemort, NC-17, NWS

pervart drew "Position, Harry." for belleamant
Harry/Voldemort, NC-17, NWS

tripperfunster drew Luna's seduction for arbor_vitae
Luna/Tom, PG, NWS

ponderosa121 drew Know Your Place for hill_
Tom/Snape, PG

mneomosyne drew The annunciation for fleshdress
Voldemort/Bellatrix, G


forestgreen wrote Trinity for annephoenix
HP/LV, HP/LM, HP/LV/LM, HP/SS and more, NC-17

arbor_vitae wrote The Chosen One Knows Not for birgitriddle
Tom/Harry, R

codenamelily wrote FaerieStories for vivien529
Tom/Minerva, R

extension wrote Streets of shuddering clouds for jessicaqueen
Tom/Harry, NC-17

fleshdress wrote The First Mark for nimori
Voldemort/Sirius, NC-17

jamie2109 wrote From the Wings of Madness for forestgreen
James/Voldemort, NC-17

greenspine wrote The Changeling for jamie2109
Voldemort, Ginny, Draco, Harry, R for violence

alchemia wrote and drew What He Eats for greenspine
Tom Riddle, PG

snakeling wrote No Mighty Oak for son_of_darkness
Voldemort/Harry, NC-17

vivien529 wrote Down the Rabbit Hole for freetheelves2
Tom/Hermione, PG

son_of_darkness wrote Nothing More You Need for pervart
Voldemort/Harry, Snape/Harry, Harry/Ginny, NC-17

rakina wrote What It Means To Be Black for leianora
Regulus/Tom, implied Regulus/Severus, NC-17

birgitriddle wrote Dreams for orpheus_samhain
Tom/Harry, NC-17

annephoenix wrote The Hard way for snakeling
Voldemort/Harry, NC-17

belleamant wrote The Art of Strategy and Peace for annephoenix
Voldemort/Harry, Voldemort/Lucius/Harry, NC-17

freetheelves2 wrote Uruz for codenamelily
Tom, G

orpheus_samhain wrote Outstanding for alchemia
Tom, PG

leianora wrote Servant of Two Masters for tripperfunster
Dumbledore, Severus, Voldemort, PG

jessicaqueen wrote What Nightmares Are Made Of for extension
Voldemort/Harry, Voldemort/Draco/Harry (if you squint), R

britty wrote Never Ending Challenge
Tom/Ginny, PG-13

annephoenix wrote All We Need Now Is a Hero
Voldemort/Ginny, Harry, Snape, NC-17

Final notes and thanks.

Thank you to everybody who signed up and participated in the fest! It turned out to be bigger and better than I ever imagined. Thank you!

Huge thanks to the lovely snakeling and annephoenix, who both offered webspace to host all the art for the fest!

A big thanks also to annephoenix, snakeling, rakina, tripperfunster, hill_ karasu_hime and empress_miyu who wrote or drew pinch hits or offered beta services. I don't know what you would have done without you guys. THANK YOU.
In the same line, thanks to everybody who put up with me reshuffling gifts and assignments.

Also, thank you to my lovely flist who put up with my constant whining and provided invaluable suggestions and much needed encouragement.

And last but not least: many thanks to everybody who read and viewed all the entries and left feedback for the authors and artists!

2007_ficathon_art, 2007_exchange_art, mod_post, 2007_ficathon_fic, 2007_exchange_fic, masterlists

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