Title: Caught with his Pants Down
Author: Lunalelle
Rating: All Ages
Word count: 148 words
Summary: A response to the casual prompt of without trousers. Tom Riddle, Sr. has a dilemma.
It was not supposed to happen this way. Maddy was supposed to take his linens and pants and outerwear from the hamper and wash them every Friday so that he could start anew on Saturdays. Instead, Maddy was sick with some sort of woman's nonsense just for the purpose of avoiding the laundry and leaving him without his pants. Not only that, but Maddy knew his wardrobe and set out his clothes every morning before tending the fire in the grate so that he could wake up to his tray of breakfast and then slip into his clothes for the day without a fuss. Maddy was just trying to spite him, he knew for sure.
With trepidation, he turned to the wardrobe and set himself about the epic task of finding clothes for the day. After all, he could not walk about or take his afternoon ride naked.