I hurt again.
Fibromyalgia is kicking my tail and other areas. Maybe the family gathering tonight will help me forget for a little while - though, my voice has changed again. It always becomes more throaty and softer when my muscles are driving me nuts.
Fun thing is. . .they can't diagnose it for certain. But, I've been through physical therapy enough and had all of the symptoms at least once (a lot more than once, actually) that it could hardly be anything else. My blood has been drawn and checked - only oddity is a lack of white blood cells. Go figure.
Wish there was a pill for this. . .there just isn't.
Pillows! ~_~ I don't want to take anymore Tylenol - too much of that is bad for your liver. I'd really rather keep thriving, thanks.
Does anyone else know of any coping measures I could take?