I should totally become a film critic. My list of artsy films is growing--I could write whole papers over what the directors and actors/actresses probably saw upon creating them. Really, this world is full of brilliant people. Next time you opt to go see a less "liked" movie, pay close attention. What are its redeeming qualities? Are you so simple as to like quick fixes and exciting action. . .or can you brave your way through plot driven, novel length beauty and poignant climaxes?
Human kind has gotten lazy, yet there is hope. Nose to the grindstone, people. Leave something lastingly beautiful in the world.
Superficial can only take you so far. . .and it's the stupidest thing to label 'love' to. . .
Don't be scared. Go deeper. Realistic doesn't have to mean the boring practicalities. There is a 'clay' base to everything--mold it how you see it. Rely on no one else.
Now, I leave you with a gorgeous depiction of two of my favorite films. . . Both of which, in my opinion did NOT get the kind of thumbs WAY up that they should of. . . Rather forgotten and glanced over.