Nov 03, 2004 18:26
Today turned out to be a very good day for me. I was quite happy today, the happiest I've been in a lonnnnng time when I leaned that George W. Bush has won the presidency again. I'm glad that he has won. Most people that are for Kerry like him because they like what he wants for America. I'll agree that some stuff he would like to have happened was awesome, but impossible. Kerry had a dream that COULD NOT come true, and was thinking outside of his reality box. That is one of the main reasons why I liked Bush over Kerry. Kerry just had too much wishful thinking on his shoulders. The only way his economic plans could have worked, is if the United States was a socialist country. Kerry also wanted to take troops out of the war and let other nations put troops in, but that would be pawning our own problems off, which is not a good idea for our security, it shows weakness to not even be a part of it. The war on terror, the war in iraq, it all was inevitable. Several past military generals and General Tommy Franks have all concluded that it all was inevitable. I'd rather take the word of an expirienced general in the military than a little 16, 17 year old bitch who says we shouldn't have attacked anyone to begin with. What they don't understand is that, not one nation attacked the US when the USS. Cole and the WTC were attacked. It was every single nation that harbours terrorists. No matter what country was attacked, people would bitch about it because they can't stand not bitching about something. If North Korea was attacked, people would bitch, "THEY HAVE NUKES!!! THEY COULD HAVE ATTACKED US!!" The fact of the matter is that N. Korea is a more civilized nation and would not attack the United States. If they did, not only would we bomb the shit out of them, China, Russia, Great Britian, and several other countries would dig in their ass BADLY. The leader of North Korea knows and accepts the fact that they can only slightly dent the U.S, not fully destroy it. Unlike Saddam, Osama, Khatami, etc, are mostly along with the Jihad declared on America. They believe that a dead American is a direct ticket to heaven, that's the main difference between the middle easter terrorists and the ones in North Korea, Czeck, etc, all those areas around Russia. They have terrorists because it can help them economicly, the middle easterns don't see themselves as terrorists, but holy warriors for allah. If they kill an American, or die trying to, they believe they will be granted into heaven by default. Thats why the middle east is the first target in the war of terroism. Iraq was a big supporter of Al Queda training camps and cells up untill we invaded. The places for them to hide are becoming scarce. Weather people accept the fact or not, it was inevitable to attack Iraq, the only question was, "Can we risk waiting around for Saddam to build a nuke and use it before we attack?" Every single component required to build a nuclear bomb was found in Iraq. Several nuclear scientists and stratgegists have said that a nuclear bomb could have been made with in days over in Iraq. If we had waited at least a month to invade Iraq, then a nuclear weapon would have inevitably been made. And judging by Saddam's past actions, it was a risk that was too great to take. Think of it this way, suppose a known crack-house was in your neighborhood, and was owned by a convicted drug-dealer, rapist, and child molester. If he had been paroled from prison on the conditions that he not have any drugs, weapons, or minor children in his home, a parole officer might be required inspect his home at regular intervals. If the gang leader refused, or interfered with the lawful duties of the parole officer, the court would most likely hold him in contempt and have him arrested. If informants told the police that he had drugs, weapons, and had taken a woman and her children hostage, you would expect the police to enter the home and investigate. He has no choice but to allow the police to enter, even without further warrant issued by the court. The police are always justified in entering a home where they have reason to believe that someone's life is in danger. The gang members might be raping the abducted woman, and molesting her children. If he refused to let the police in his home, or would not let them look in certain rooms, he would be arrested for obstruction of justice. In this case, the police would have every right to bust down the door and search the home. If they found no weapons, and no drugs, but rescue the hostages, they were still justified in entering the home. The parolee was in violation of the court order to allow inspections, and the police could not risk waiting to find out if the threat was genuine. This is the same justification that I believe we had when going into Iraq. It did not matter if we found weapons or not, the fact that we could not verify there were no weapons, gave cause for the U.S. to take immediate action. President Bush made the executive decision not to wait until the enemy had time to gather their weapons while politicians debated the decision. The innocent citizens of Iraq deserved to be freed from Saddam's bondage. The Kerry's economic plan would have been more detramental to the United States more than bush's ideas could have EVER been. John Kerry has a plan to cripple the U.S. economy. His call to inspect every one of the six million cargo containers entering our ports annually would be catastrophic for businesses and employees. Not only would international trade come to a grinding halt, it could actually lead to retaliatory measures, if not a full-blown trade war with our partners. John Kerry has proven himself to be woefully out of touch with fundamental economics. The shift towards Chinese manufacturing is a global trend, not something invented by the Bush administration. Kerry's close-minded "union first" policies would weaken America's competitveness in the world. Furthermore, Senator Kerry's plan to raise taxes on small businesses would choke the engine driving America's economic recovery. Senator Kerry also tries to scare the young people of America with a draft rumor that was started by some un-educated people in america. John Kerry has a plan to scare young Americans and incite bitter racial hatred and class warfare. Senator Kerry still insists that President Bush is planning to reinstate the military draft, even though it is Kerry's own party which has proposed to do so. General Tommy Franks has stated emphatically that a military draft is not only unnecessary, it would be unwise. So why is Kerry still spreading this rumor? Because he'll say and do anything to get into the White House. But even more disgraceful, Senator Kerry has fanned the flames of hatred and division, telling African Americans that President Bush plans to disenfranchise them on election day. A recent DNC playbook instructs Democratic party activists to claim "voter inimidation," even before the polls close (when no such intimidation exists). It appears that the only "pre-emptive strike" Senator Kerry believes in is a dishonest one which has already divided our country. I'm glad that the 58 million americans who voted for bush did so. They realized what Kerry wanted, and what could have been done. They realized what has been done, and what can be done to make things better.