Whimsies of a rogue By Christiana Ellis

Mar 01, 2010 20:29

I've been listening to a lot of podcasts lately...

1: LIfe is full of surprises, some of them are good, Most of them are bad. Not that I'm complaining, I've long maintained that the universe is out to screw you over, and that anything you can pull out of it is gravy! Still Getting stranded in a Space ship, with a neurotic computer thousands of light years from home, That's more on the negative end of the scale than usual.

2: You know they say it's always Darkest before the Dawn, and That's true... but, you know why? Because Dawn is defined as the point at which things begin getting brighter. It's like when people say things are in the last place you look. DUH! Do you usually keep looking after you find the thing you were looking for? Some things are more fun to look for than others, and I wouldn't put a Spider that secretes projectile slime high on that list.

3: I'd like to talk to you a little bit about being "open Minded." I really hate that phrase. When I use the phrase Open minded, I'm trying to get someone to open their wallet. If you just walk around like a big sponge absorbing everything, then before long You'll absorb a lot of *Expletive Deleted*. I've learned a lot of lessens in my time, Most of them the hard way, so you'll excuse me if I trust my own opinion more than anyone else's. And in my opinion, You've got to be adaptable, Think on your feet. and if you find yourself in an unfamiliar situation you've got to be willing to try new things. There are all sorts of things that I would never do on my own. But as a means to an end... Well....

4: Life is a Gamble, but there's more than one way to play. Most people treat it like a slot machine. Every day they keep pulling the Same handle and hoping that today will the the day that the universe changes it's mind and gives them a jackpot. Take one step put from the slot Jockeys and you get the blackjack players. They'll at least take an active roll in trying to win. They'll come up with all kinds of Systems and Strategies but the truth is that no matter how much they plan, in the long run they will still loose more than they win. Then there's the poker players. Poker players realize that in the long run you will never beat the house. The only way you'll come out ahead is if your competition is the other players.

5: Have you ever seen a dandelion seed? It's this pretty little floaty thing that drifts on the wind just hanging in the air like a kind of zero g ballerina it's beautiful it's graceful it's carefree. You know what happens when it finally lands and puts down roots? It turns into a weed. People are the same way, you settle in one place for too long and pretty soon you're rooted to the spot. You get tied up in obligations and responsibilities and it changes you. You can't be yourself anymore. Freedom doesn't guarantee fun but at least if you don't like where you are you can go try something else. Be very careful to not form attachments because once you start down that road you're on the way of getting stuck

6: Getting locked up is a funny thing. There are a lot of people who, believe it or not find it as something of a relief when they finally get caught. Most people are not suited for a life outside the law, they need to know that the world has rules, that everything happens for a reason. The idea of a random universe that stuff happens Just... because, bothers them as a result, when they decide to break the rules there is a part of them that feels like they should get caught, Fortunately for these folks, they almost always get their wish. They get pinched and the universe is once again aligned on the side of justice.

7: I think it's time for me to talk a little bit about baggage, Now baggage comes with experience. They aren't one in the same but you can't get one without the other. I've got a wandering spirit, It's a good thing too because no one in my line of work can stay in one place for very long anyway. Which comes first though... The spirit or the work? Hard to say but the point is that when you live the kind of life that I do, you can accumulate a lot of baggage. You leave a trail behind you. Like the trail of a commit, and you can't stop without letting it all catch up to you.

8: Trouble, Why am I always in trouble, You're probably thinking I bring it on myself... and... you're not wrong, I could Bitch and moan about how the universe isn't fair and bad things always happen and blah blah blah. It's all true mind you, but you've heard it. I don't hold myself up as a paragon of virtue or anything, but I think that the universe needs people like me to stir things up from time to time, I'm always in trouble because I'm always making trouble. When you follow the rules just because they're the rules. You are giving up control of your life. and that is something I just refuse to do.

Space Casey by Christiana Ellis ... Check it out.
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