Hello there! :) I'm new to this community (as this is my shiny, brand new journal for all things fandom), so I thought I'd do the polite thing and introduce myself. And... yes, that was my introduction. Since that was kind of pointless, I come bearing porn! It's not new, just a polished version of something I already posted over at the Kink Meme, but... better than nothing, right? Right?
Title: Of Pillow Fights and Blanket Forts
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: X-Factor
Pairing: Rictor/Shatterstar/Madrox's dupe
Word Count: 3,950
Length: Standalone
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me but to Marvel Comics and I don't make any money with this. I do not claim they're really up to the stuff I've written, but, let's face it, they probably are.
Author's Note: I know that Jamie can absorb his dupes without touching now but I needed him not to :p Also, I've never written a threesome before, so I hope it's not too bad. Sorry for the shifts in narration, it just wouldn't work any other way.
Warnings: M/M/M sex. Awkwardness before, during and after that. The littlest bit of crossdressing. Attempts at humour.
Summary: Written for the Marvel Kink Meme, the prompt was: "Any combo of X-factor Investigations guys: Pillow fight!" I was also inspired for the more random stuff by some comments of the OP and other anons.
“How do you ever get yourselves laid like this?” )