(no subject)

May 04, 2009 18:47

Ha! Fuck you LJ cutters.

What does the sixteenth text in your inbox say?

Last person you were in the car with?
Hmmmmm... phil and borat probably.

Did you kiss anyone friday?
Only my ass goodbye. OK, that was a lie, but it sounded cool.

Ever thrown up in public?
Yes. In subway before a convention. Projectile vomit.

What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
Nothing, as per usual.

What is the WORST subject they teach at school?
Maths. Fuck you, Helen!

Have you seen anyone lately that you don't get along with?

What is your favorite colour shirt to wear?
At the moment it's a blue and blacked ringed one of which I have three of them. Generally, I like to wear red.

Have you ever been in a car accident?
Yes, been hit by a car.

Whats the closest thing to you that's green?
Deck o' M:TG cards.

Where would you like to be right now?
Vegas or Paris.

Write down some lyrics to the song your listening to
When there's evil on the attack,
You can rest knowing they got your back,
'cause with the world's heroes on patroooo-ooo-ooo-oooooooooll,
Teen Titans, GO!

How many dogs do you have?
None. One recently departed.

Is there someone you care about more than yourself?
Actually no one. I'm a very self-satisfied guy.

What made you laugh today?
The patheticness of Borat and MHP's lives. HAHAHAHAHA.

What was the last film you watched?
Cannot remember. It was a very long time ago.

What's the last conversation you had about?
If I wanted an onion bhaji. Turns out I didn't.

What were you doing at 7:00 this morning?

Do you like your hair long or short?
Short, but not too short, otherwise I look like I beat old ladies up to get 10p. They'd have to have 50p on them at least to get me to do that.

Do you want to see somebody right now?
Hugh Heffner, who would say "Come on over to my place for a party! Here's a cold one!"

Do you like the rain?
I fucking love the rain. I could walk for hours in it, and I could watch it from a window.

Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you?

How do you feel about girls smoking?
So long as I don't have to go near their mouth, I guess. I ain't gonna stop someone smoking. Offering a smoker a cigarette is a good way to calm them down if their mental health problems are affecting them.

Could you see yourself with someone forever?
It would be tough. I'm a very obstinate guy.

What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
What am I doing up at this hour?

Do you forgive and forget?
Like anonymous I do not forgive, though over time I would probably forget. It takes a lot to rile me up enough to care either way these days.

Do you trust people?
"Open Mind, Insert Foot". I think KJ said that.

What are you not looking forward to?
Having to have a jorb.

Do you get mad easily?
Rarely. Though I do hate a lot of things It's hard to get me mad, largely because I just don't care.

Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
An alarming amount of people.

Do you have strange dreams?
Have you even read my journal?

Ever licked someone’s cheek or forehead?
Ew, no. Grody.

Last time you fell asleep in someone’s arms?
Like, when I was five, maybe?

When did you last throw up?
Day after my last birthday. I blame gaz for brutally forcing me to drink Guldendraak.

What do you have on you at all times
This chip that I keep on my shoulder, right here.

Do you like fruity or minty gum?
Cinnamon, motherfucker.

Favourite musician or group?
It may surprise you to learn that I am no music buff. If I had to play favoruites, it would probably be something like Manowar just because of pure feelgood cheese.

Favourite computer game?
Alpha Centauri.

First album you ever went and bought with your own money?
Never bought an album. First single I ever bought was chocolate salty balls on cassette.

Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
Ugh. I believe it exists.

Last thing you bought?
Supplies for the allnighter.

Do you like to cuddle/snuggle?
I guess. Not done it for a while.

How far away is the last person you hugged?
Can't remember who :s

Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
Aside from Keith Chegwin calling to say something like, "I just happen to be outside your house suspended over a vat of lava by a single rope. Please help me?" Then no. By the way, I wouldn't help him, I'd cut the rope and laugh as his flesh and organs melted off, leaving just a charred skeleton.

Is your life anything like it was a year ago?
I guess so. I don't live in gidlol road, though, which is a blessing.

This time last year, can you remember who you liked?

Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't?
I guess so.

What is the last thing you said out loud?
"No." Do I ever say anything else?

When was the last time you cried?

Do you have friends you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
Yeah, I'd say.

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Jumped energetically into bed.

What can't you wait for?
Job. Job. Job. Job.

Have you ever told anyone you would marry them?
Only in jail.

What's the worst way to say "i love you?"
In any of the ways simon green has said it.

Are you mad about anything?
It's my gimmick.

Are you mean?
It's my gimmick.

Were you happy when you woke up today?
No, I like to sleep. It's my gimmick.

Has a boy/girl called you babe or baby in the past two days?
No, no one has the spine. Well, MHP does, but he fould find it getting ripped out.

Do you hate it when people smoke around you?
I actually like the smell of second hand smoke. Then again, I am a weirdo.

Does anyone give you butterflies?

Does it bother you when people respond with one word?
Only if the answer doesn't make sense. IE:
Me: So, would you like Carling or Fosters?
Gimp: Yes.
Me: ... *reloads*

Do you believe once a cheater, always a cheater?
No, just always a cheater.

Who disgusts you?
People with no sense of humour. People who no not adhere to the 'Bretheren before wenches' social policy. (You know who you are).

What would you do if your best friend turned gay?
I wouldn't be surprised. He's not doing too well with the women lately.

Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Curly. I look like a tool with it uncut and untreated.

Do you drink tea?
On occasion. Black, and no sugar.

How do you feel about chocolate covered strawberries
Waste of chocolate.

Do you currently have feelings for anybody?
No. I have no feelings in general.

Have you ever stripped for money?
Only in my dreams. I was in one of those cages in a disco and danced like napoleon dynamite.

Do you think you are a good person?
Only within the boundaries of lawful and social acceptability, in that order. Beyond that, I don't care.

Who are your favourite people?
Anyone who is reading this and has a job vacancy in the wirral. You guys are the best <3
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