(no subject)

Nov 03, 2008 21:45

1. Do you believe that the government should chemically castrate sex offenders?
No, for the reason that you could never be quite sure if they were guilty. What does chemical castratil entail, anyway? Dipping your parts into a tub o' acid?

2. Would the world be better off without religion, and why?
It's a commonly held theory amongst anthropologists that religion was used when civilisation was young as a social model of sorts in order to unite people and sur them on to progress. IE: Not eating pork because poorly cooked pork is a well of diseases, or not being gay because two men can't make a baby, which in turn are needed to expand our populace. However, it was presented to the ignorant masses as 'Don't eat pork or bum men because GOD SAID SO.' It is for this reason that humanity has needed religion to rise up through the ages. Read into the irony that reglion itself formed a part of human evolution as much as you please. Nowadays, people are educated thoroughly upon how one cooks pork properly and where children come from. Moral choices are typically made for us and enforced by the law of the land which is based on an original religious code of law, which in turn were based on rules for survival. Nowadays, it's just redundant.

3. Do you believe it is ethical to abort a foetus with Down's syndrome?
Aborting a foetus is entirely ethical in my opinion. Whether or not it has down's makes no factor in the choice unless it would likely complicate birth or be impossible for the motehr to look after it.

4. You are given the opportunity to kill someone who is proven beyond doubt to be a rapist. There will be no consequences, lawful or otherwise, and you will be able to kill this person in a way that does not endanger you. Would you do it?
Killing them would be barbaric.

5. Same as question four, with the exception that your victim is a proven murderer.
Same as answer four. It holds more sway on account of eye for an eye theory, though raping a rapist would certainly teach him a lesson.

6. Is stealing ever justified?
If we didn't have stealing, we wouldndn't have Microsoft. :3 Stealing is justified when it's necessary. Do people still steal if it's not necessary? Yes.

7. A Catholic missionary is travelling through Africa telling people that using condoms can encourage the transmission of HIV. You have the opportunity to assassinate him without detection. Would you do it?
No, I would instead corrupt the minds of the african villagers into being being condom usersand their lives will become a downward spiral of misery and sodomy.

8. Would you condemn a close friend or a member of your family to death to save the lives of a hundred strangers?
Depends if I liked or didnt like the demographic of the people I'd have to save. I'd say baldy-headed tracksuit wearers would be pretty far down on the list of people I'd save.

9. Would you allow someone with the HIV virus to look after your children, if you had any?
I'm not employing them to bugger my children, am I?

10. What about someone with visible herpes?
Ew. Grody. Shut up. Probably wouldn't even let her into my house. Couldn't imagine she'd be a very successful babysitter in the first place.

11. Would you lie about your religious beliefs (or lack thereof) to escape torture or incarceration?
Certainly. I'd still do it if it meant silencing somebody who would be bothering me about it. Hell, I'd even do it to get free biscuits and wine.

12. Do you believe that simulated violent pornography, where no real harm is done to the actors, (i.e cartoons, CGI, very good acting) should be made illegal?
Hey, if there's very good acting involved, I'm there. Super mature themes should be strictly regulated and come with warnings and stuff, though.

13. Same as above, but with simulated child pornography.
Ew, grody. So long as the actors are all of legit age and theres piles of disclamers all over the place, I see no problem in letting the freaks have what they want. Keep it away from me though.

14. Is there anything worth sacrificing your own life for? If so, what?
The greater good? The opportunity to sacrifice my life for someone else itself is worth my while.

15. What about your freedom?
Totally. I'd sacrifice the fifth amendment along with it too. And the statue of liberty.
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