
Apr 23, 2004 09:06

Normally I don't post anything political or point out my views on this kinda stuff but with this one, I couldn't resist....

So, the pilgrims came to America to create a new land, free from religious oppression. Separation of church and state. So many years later, we have George W. Bush, taking us backwards. Geoge says Christianity says ( Read more... )

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_toesinthesand April 23 2004, 06:21:44 UTC
no, that is not religious oppression. if you can quote where george bush says Christianity says homosexuality is wrong, please do. because that is not the argument he is making. he's saying that marriage is sacred, and between a man and a woman. it's an institution. and it's only natural to be like that. a woman and a woman weren't made to have children.

and there is no such thing as separation of church and state. you are referring to the establishment clause in the constitution, which states that no one church should be established (such as the church of england). we came here for freedom OF religion...not freedom FROM religion. they made that to prevent one mandatory church from being established. that's where we get all the other churches, like baptist, presbyterian, methodist, etc. this country was founded on Christian principles, whether anyone likes it or not, and no one's going to throw that away. i just think it's hilarious when people bash on Christianity whenever it's brought up...but if you're Muslim, Jewish, or whatever else, then no one gives a shit. It's almost like being Christian is looked DOWN on nowadays!!


ricosuave028 April 23 2004, 11:07:42 UTC
I don't want this to come off in a bad way because I firmly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I know you feel very strongly about being a Republican and I never comment on the tons of things that you put down there. Just understand that each person feels their own way and I feel what I wrote is true, whether you do or not is fine. I am a Christian and I'm not bashing Christians at all. Whether or not Bush says Christianity says homosexuality is wrong is besides the point, really. My point is that saying homosexualiy is wrong is the problem. What kind of free country do we live in when we aren't really free to do the things we wish? As long as it's not hurting someone else (like murder, rape, etc) we should be able to do whatever the hell we want without people telling us we are wrong. I may not be able to find exactly where Bush mentions Christianity but I also feel that some of the things you put up about Kerry are wrong too. It's just a difference of opinion, nothing more, nothing less.


jonnydee April 23 2004, 12:23:35 UTC


_toesinthesand April 23 2004, 17:00:51 UTC
ok first of all, i'm not telling you not to comment on the things i put in my journal. if you have something to say to what i say, go for it. say it. i'm not stopping you. also, you can't post something like this and not expect something to be brought up.

with that said, i will bring up two main points. 1) you say whether or not bush says christianity says homosexuality is wrong is besides the point...yet that was your WHOLE point. 2) 70% of this country does not agree with homosexual marriage, so don't single bush out on this issue. most of the country is behind him.


70%??????????????? _toesinthesand April 23 2004, 23:32:02 UTC
Maybe you should get your information right before you post it... do some research... 56% of people are agaist gay marriage

heres some more statistics... 56% of people are IGNORANT too


Re: 70%??????????????? _toesinthesand April 24 2004, 08:35:41 UTC
okay anonymous, i do apologize...30% are for gay marriage, so i just took that to mean 70% are against it. i didn't take into consideration that some people may not have voted or may have been undecided/chosen other options.

still, the fact remains. only 30% are for gay marriage. same thing.


jesus is my homeboy jonnydee April 23 2004, 12:23:10 UTC
..."and it's only natural to be like that. a woman and a woman weren't made to have children.".. who says marraige has to involve kids? I guess Old people and Steril couples shouldnt be allowed to get married either. Wait, throw interatial couples in that pot too.. hmm, who else should god condemn for not being "natural"?
out of the clouds, and back on earth, i cordially invite you.


mary is my homegirl? ricosuave028 April 23 2004, 12:40:24 UTC
haha jonny d, it appears we have a lot of the same beliefs. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who can feel like everyone should be doing what they want to in their own lives. Yes, I am a strong believer in Christianity but how can it say in the Bible not to judge others and to love everyone as though they were your brother but then it turns right around say that homosexuals are sinners. Is that not judging people? I don't believe that homosexuality is a choice so if God loves everyone equally then why would he make people homosexuals if he didn't believe in them. I think God loves everyone, no matter your sexual preference. It's what's inside that counts. Is this a Hallmark card or what?


Re: mary is my homegirl? _toesinthesand April 23 2004, 17:03:50 UTC
"God made adam and eve, not adam and steve."

haha. okay i'm shutting up.


jonnydee April 23 2004, 12:32:24 UTC
One final note.
If you completely disagree with everything I just wrote, and feel "offended" as I would If I were you, then just imagine how youd feel if I posted it as a monument in at the top of the steps of a public court house. sound familiar?
and if you dont like what it says, you can just walk on by.
have a good one.


_toesinthesand April 23 2004, 17:03:10 UTC
i'm not offended, first of all, because yes, there are sterile people and yada yada. but i'm saying, nature made it for a man and a woman to be together. true, sometimes they can't have kids, but that is the natural thing. i'm gonna stop here because i know you won't see what i'm saying.

and are you speaking of the 10 commandments? can you tell me how a document that tells people not to lie, cheat, or steal is offensive? maybe when you clear that up, i will understand.


jonnydee April 23 2004, 20:24:48 UTC
I want you to understand that I in no way shape or form have any ill feelings toward you. every single friend i have is religious. SOme are very open minded christians like Alicia, Others shield themselves from what i would consider common sense, all because the Bible says so. My point of view is merely that the bible has more holes in it than swiss cheese, and its up to the individual to fill the gaps. ..."love your neighbor, but not if hes a fudge packer" "equal rights for all, as long as you fit the mold. but whats the mold? is it up to the "70" percent of this country that is christian to determine that mold and then play god in a matter of speaking by determining what the rest of the ousted population can do with their body's (abortion), or Love lives? (same sex). If a single man tells you what to do with your body, its rape. if a govenment does, its called law. hope you dont get stoned to death on the way to the clinic door.
Jesus was a great man no doubt, but i think us mere mortals decided to take a little bit too much responsibility with his legacy when he passed on.
take a good look at those camel fuckers over in Iraq. they are driven to do whatever it takes to end the US. its called a "jihad".. doesnt that mean Holy War?
Its easy to make up peoples minds for them when the order is coming down from gods hand.


_toesinthesand April 23 2004, 21:24:40 UTC
let me go back to the issue at hand: homosexuality. throw all religion away; my opinion of homosexuality has nothing to do with it. let me put this in layman's terms: the man's thing fits into the woman's thing. that's nature. that's what's meant to be. that is all i'm saying.

denying gay people rights that they never had is not "not loving your neighbor". it's just keeping the marriage institution sacred. personally, i love everyone. i don't agree with everyone's lifestyle, but that does not mean i don't "love" them.

besides, what is so bad about simply allowing gays civil unions? shouldn't that be enough? why are they pushing so hard for marriage all of a sudden??? i just don't really get it, i guess.


ricosuave028 April 23 2004, 21:44:44 UTC
besides, what is so bad about simply allowing gays civil unions? shouldn't that be enough? why are they pushing so hard for marriage all of a sudden??? i just don't really get it, i guess.

I'm sure they don't all of the sudden want to get married. Gay people have always wanted to get married, they have just been waiting for the right time in our society. Times are changing and they feel that society should be more open-minded about what goes on in people's lives. It's just time to bring the matter up.

But that's besides the point, "why do they all of the sudden want to get married??" umm, probably for the same reasons that straight people want to get married!!!!!!!!!!


_toesinthesand April 23 2004, 21:49:08 UTC
what reasons?


ricosuave028 April 23 2004, 21:54:02 UTC
umm because they love each other and share a special bond together. They would like to celebrate that love for each other by being united as one forever. Officially.

Men and women don't get married so that they can reproduce. Hell, babies are born to unwed mothers every minute so that can't be used as an excuse.

And since our country is all about "equality", shouldn't the gays be able to partake in all of the economic benefits that married people have?


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