wre-write, not in act january 2003 :P

Mar 28, 2005 02:22

it was a bright sunny day, the blue sky seemed a million miles away from the free floating white clouds, which sauntered across the sky. Looks can be decieving though, as it was painfully cold.
thin layers of ice covered the windows, and the floor, where it had been raining the night before, had semi frozen puddles of water which glinted in the sunlight.

Seitaro gazed skywards from behind the glass. glad to be inside. he watched the clouds go by for a bit, then sighed, and turned back to his computer. Oh well, there was work to do. couldnt spend all his time gallavanting around with the others.

Meanwhile, Marvel and Kat were training. they were inside a rather fancy looking center which was where they'd been sent by their boss. they were on like a team building course. but they had to work with other people they'd never met, and had to interact with. Their results would be seen afterward, so they were doing their best to look good.
Their first test was a physical endurance test. Of course they both thought it was a bit easy, and Marvel was still cracking jokes even now, when they were being pushed beyond even their limits. Sunlight streamed in through a window high up. Marvel flipped under a stray dodge ball which if it hit him, would knock him out of the test.
squinting in the brightness, he looked out the window. and wished he was outside for once. he wondered what the others were upto.

In an abandoned building, not too far away, sat a rather unhappy vamp. he was quickly becoming increasingly sick of being inside during the day. He could go wherever he wanted, but as soon as one ray of sunlight hit him, he was in trouble. so the main time he got to see something other than the four walls which surrounded him, was at night. and even then most normal people were asleep. he decided to go check up on the guys. then remembered he couldnt leave the building, and went back to moping about.

Kadri Smiled. it was a beautiful day. she was walking around the shopping district of Talamono. she was having a great time, she hadnt actually bought anything. knowing what Marv had told her, that material possesions only burden the soul, she deicided to go what Kat called 'Window Shopping' which wasnt buying windows, as she'd originally expected. it was more along the lines of looking in windows at things you'd like. and so far, she had a pretty big list. it seemed as if you could buy almost anything.
She gazed skywards a moment, admiring the clouds, the ones on this planet were quite amazing. She wondered if she could buy one.

Rael sat in the house, which had now been dubbed, the 'Marvel-Ous Zen Of Kat-ptivity' by Marv probably, he thought to himself. Since the recent events had ended up in the mass destruction of all three houses, they had been forced to move in with the only person who had space. Seitaro himself was overjoyed at the idea of permanant company. which it meant with the three moving in. since one of them was usually always in, and if not people always stopped by now, so thngs were never boring. Except for now. everyone was out, well except for seitaro, but he was working and wasnt worth bothering over something trivial like this. Rael Sighed again. Bored, bored bored bored bored...

Cherry giggled as she set up the blast glass. She had been working for quite some time working on this particular specialisation. It was a small explosive, not her favourite kind. and building regulations required her to have some kind of protective shield between the blast and the rest of the basment, plus she didnt want to demolish someone elses house. it didnt really matter anyway, nobody was home. if anyone was it would be seitaro, and he wouldnt mind too much, he was a nice guy. she giggled again, for some strange reason that even seitaro hadnt worked out yet, she seemed apparently Invunerable to explosions, which was quite a useful talent. she liked to think of herself as one of those cartoon characters who get blown up all the time, and the only problem afterwards is they're a bit black, and have burnt clothes, otherwise she'd be fine! she placed the dotty, on the marker, and pulled the primer switch, then stepped behind the blast glass.

she smiled, the biggest explosion she'd seen from such a small and until the switch was primed, harmless little package.

Meanwhile two floors up, Rael wondered what the hell had just happened. He'd heard the blast from the basement, convinced he was the only person in the house, but apparently not.
up another floor again, Seitaro sat at his computer, editing a photo of the six of them, which was taken back in the beginning. it was strange to think how little they'd all changed in the time they'd been together. It only seemed like yesterday when Himself and Hiyarati had been bugging Marv about meeting a girl he seemed to like, who now he was goint out with, and had been for a considerable amount of time, and then all the trouble started with the Enlightener, and they learnt the true story of how they became to be such good friends, which ended up being the fact they'd all been genetically enginered in the future and sent back in time to stop a great war. The plus side of the pressure and the danger and the freakiness, was the cool powers they'd all got. which they used as an extension of their being really. Marvel still used his to open cans, and Kat still told him off with it, and Hiyarati still used his to play guitar, but it didnt matter, when they needed to they could use them for what they were supposed to, and that was the main thing. But in the meantime, it was fun!

man i wrote some cheese in my time, some bits are worth salvaging, but still, I'd forgotten about some of those characters!


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