Mar 06, 2008 15:01
Zen sighed.
They'd been waiting outside of the arcade for nearly an hour now and Marv had done nothing but sing that song for the entirety of said hour. It wouldnt have been that bad, but it was the only line from the song he knew.
It was their first day back in town and they'd arranged to meet an old friend to catch up on recent events, but as per usual, he was late. some things never change, zen mused to himself. Glancing across at his "rocking out" buddy, this thought was reinforced, since Marv had been acting this way as long as he knew him, which was a good decade or so. His musings were shattered by the unthinkable. The singing stopped, he found himself suddenly peturbed by the silence. He spun to face his companion, assuming he must be unconcious or he'd wandered off, either was quite likely.
Marv was sniffing the air, with an inquisitive look in his eyes. Zen just sighed again. Just for once he'd like a normal slow day, they'd been travelling for months and he really just wanted to sleep in a nice normal bed and not have to worry about the arrangements for tomorrow for once. And with Marv as your companion quality quiet time wasnt something that was in abundance.
"What is it now?" he asked the sniffer.
Zen just looked at him, until the penny dropped and he understood.
"Oy. This again? How many times man?" He brought his hand up to his face and shook his head slowly. Over the course of their travels, Marv had managed to become addicted to the latest craze, a trading card game that had been doing the rounds based on some kids TV show. A TV show which pretty much wasnt aimed at their age group. Maybe a few years younger yeah, but of course, that meant nothing to marv, who still shouted at the TV during his saturday morning TV shows, warning Captain Jackaman to dodge the Cyber Lasers of the Masterbloke.
"I know I know, but I've still got some change, and i've got some cards on me, maybe they'll trade." His eyes were wide, he was practically pleading for permission to run off.
Zen considered the alternative, another rendition of Rock The Universe, and gave in.
"Right, but be quick, Seitaro is already late."
No sooner were the words out of his mouth than his companion was gone, leaving behind a trail of dust and a wooping noise as he careened around the corner and off to the nearest store.
Zen leaned against the wall and decided to take a seat at the cafe next door, at least he could relax and grab a drink while he waited, to give him something to do.
A quick purchase and a welcome back from a girl he didnt know knew him, and he was sitting at the table staring off into space. It had been a while since they'd been back in town and it didnt really look like much had changed, which was an oddly reassuring comfort. It would be nice to settle back into the routine of going to school and waking up in the same bed again. He was hoping that Seitaro would have somewhere worked out for them to live in for the time being, as neither himself nor his buddy had managed to find a job yet, having only just landed back in town. They had money, sure, but most of that was gone, not just thanks to Marv's new card collection.
So deep were his thoughts, he didnt even notice when someone sat down next to him.
"It is a fairly gregarious little burg, is it not, my friend?"
Zen glanced across to see Seitaro
"It's an affable place alright, I feel at home here already." Zen replied resting his head against his hand, and watching the people go by.
"Well" His old cohort grinned at him sideways "that would be the inherent effect of this actually being your home would it not?"
Zen turned to him "You mean second home." he corrected him. "some of you guys always forget me and Marv ain't from around here."
"My mistake, a slight gaffe on my part, I always make that error, I mean with Marv it is entirely obvious that he is not from these parts, but with yourself I should know better than to be corrected."
Zen just looked at him with a bemused expression on his face "You really still talk like that? You must have lived here for years now!"
"A mans verbiage is not always identified by his location."
"You still dont go out, do you? Thats why, you're not interacting with anybody to be influenced by their accents or speech patterns."
Seitaro looked shocked, then sighed himself. "A most accurate estimation" he nodded, "it is true, my social calendar is rather bare compared to when I was able to count myself as one of your troupe."
Marv rounded the corner and skidded up to the table they were sitting at.
"HeyguysyoSeitarolookingoodlongtimenosee" he shot, a bag in one hand his other steadying himself against the table.
"What now." Zen barely looked up from his drink.
"welliwasoutbuyincardsandwellitwasnttheonlythingifound, orshouldisayfoundME?"
The last syllable of marvs semi incoherent rant was punctuated by a steely CRUNCH. The shockwave knocked them all over, aswell as shattering all the glass in the vicinity, including the frosted design doors of the cafe right behind them. Around the corner stomped a 20 foot robot.
Marv scrambled frantically around the floor looking for his scattered cards.
Zen yelled at him as the robot towered over them "YOU JUST HAPPENED TO FIND THIS?!"
"It found ME!" He protested
Zen sighed and rolled his eyes, this kinda stuff always happened to them, he just wanted a break. "Oh well, guess we better deal with this."
Seitaro grinned. "Awesome."