Sep 14, 2006 00:58
There was a piercing laugh as Marv was dragged into the pane of glass, Kat stood eyes agape at where her friend had stood moments before, only Zenso could speak.
"Yeah, he looked into it, and I hear the other guy laughing. And the next thing you know marvs gone. Any ideas?"
A tinny voice came out of the wristband Zenso held close to his head.
"Yeah, I know whats happened but you're never going to believe me."
After what seemed like a long fall, Marv hit the ground.
It wasnt exactly what he expected. It was just a normal looking street, in fact it was kinda familiar.
"Y'know, I was kinda expecting something a little more... I dont know, scary?" he called out, knowing his assailant was out there. A horrible twisted mirror image of himself. Darkness residing in its soul all hope gone, his true opposite, evil and heartless and the cause of all this.
A little way down the road a teenager about the same age as Marv emerged from a junction. He walked towards him slowly.
"You know, this is exactly what I was aiming for." He grinned.
Marvel was taken aback for the first time. He was almost exactly the same. His clothes were darker, as was his hair and his eyes, but apart from that the only major difference was his eyes. His eyeballs were black. That was creepy, He still couldnt get used to it.
"So, is that it? You're just a colour variant of me, eh? Like a bad Player 2 costume colour!" Marv quipped, trying to keep his cool.
The figure approached him and eyed him up.
"I could say the same thing, although you probably wouldnt be able to understand me. Such a feeble mind."
"Yeah yeah Vram, I've heard this spiel all before" Marv began to walk off "Dude, your ramblations are old and you aint learned nothing. Your cheap headgames dont win you nothing in this game remember?"
His alternate self walked alongside him, the two of them up the road that was oh so familiar.
"I know it would be foolish to attempt to engage you in combat, this much is true, Ryuki." He grinned to himself "I love how you automatically assume I'm here to perform some act of unspeakable evil."
Marv raised an eyebrow and kept pace. "What, like you ripped me into some pane of glass for summore headgames, ye?"
They reached the end of a street and turned left simultaneously.
"I still cant get used to that" Marv sighed. "So what is it then? Are you gonna kill me? Am i trapped in this little VR world? Whats the gig this time?"
Vram let out a derisive laugh. "You think I learn nothing from my past encounters with the Masters?" He rapped his hand on a lampost as they passed it. "In my universe, things went oh so differently. You do know what happened do you not?"
"We have some idea. Care to fill a dude in?"
"Well, My team wasnt even a team. They fought they bickered, so I had to get rid of them. You see, there are only so many powers to go around and once each of the kids was gone, it had to...relocate."
"So you killed them to take their powers?"
"Oh its not quite as simple as that. I killed most of them, but the more I killed the stronger the remainder became, occasionally I got a power, but so did they really. It became quite hard." He laughed to himself "Who would have thought that there was another universe not so far from my own. I wonder If i can amp my powers by killing you, I really do wonder if that works."
"Shame you'll never have a chance to try it out."
They turned another corner.
"You Know..." Vram started "We actually were once the same person?"
"Run that past me again, yo?"
"Every choice you make, every decision has to be played out, in an alternate reality somewhere. Thats what makes alternate dimensions."
"Im sure your Seitaro has figured it all out. Hell I bet as a team you could probably fix a lot of things. BUT thats not todays lesson. Since I have the combined powers of my group, as a result of our little fracas, I was able to come here, to you. My polar opposite."
"You hunted my down? Whoa, I knew I was awesome but you know how to make a dude feel wanted."
"Enough. I figured I kill you, its something to do. If I gain your powers, bonus. I simply wanted the satisfcation of destroying somebody as insipid as you. Do you understand how revolting you are to me? Simply everything you do. How you act, how you present yourself, what you eat. EVERYTHING."
"Retract my last statement."
"Anyway, I knew enough to discover we both came from the same source. And with my new gifts I could get there. BUT, I find, you dont kill easy."
They passed a shop, children began to stream out, there was a school further up the road.
"Well, I cant blame ya for lack of trying." Marv grinned. "But the Marv is a most difficult dude to dispose of."
"Quite...So naturally, I've got to cut you off at the source, by simply eliminating the other choice."
They rounded the corner and were confronted by a small 10 year old child.
Marvs eyes widened when he recongised the youngster. "Yo, but how did? This is impossible Darkdude! That kid is... we cant be here!"
"Oh I think you'll find thats not true, we are here my dear likeness."
"Oh maaan Oh maaan."
"Marvel Ryuki, may I introduce you to Marvel Ryuki." The 10 year old simply stared back at the two teenagers and licked his lollipop. "And goodbye."
Okay I fucking hate this. Its getting rewritten for the most part, I couldnt capture the idea the lyric gave me. And it became too conversation dialogue heavy for my liking. FORGET IT.