Dec 06, 2007 11:37
ugh, i took out my lip ring last night and the hole was close up in the morning! i've had my lip pierced since march...i thought it would take longer than eight hours to close.
i got a job at this place called Granite City in orland. it's a restaurant and brewery, and i'll be a bus girl. i feel embarassed about saying that, but i was told i'd have to work my way up. understandable, but still, it sucks.
as soon as i have $2000 saved up, i'm moving out. shouldnt take too long cuz its a full time job, which is what i wanted. i'm not in school and have no other job, so all i do is sit on me bum and wait for muh bf Kyle to get off work.
about kyle- 18, brown hair, blue eyes, 6'5", skinny, white, smoker.... i dunno, i cant think of anything else to say that would describe him. he rides bmx bikes, and he's pretty great at it. we've been going out since sept 23, but i've known him since new years of last year. and in like early august, we were pretty much together, minus the title. i dont have any pics of him, but i've seen a few videos of him riding (as well as seen it in person).
no more drugs for me. and now, no more alcohol. i keep spending this money i dont have on stuff that wont last more than a night (talking about alcohol).
hmm... my sister sam thinks the world has come into existence (sp?) for her, but whats new?
i've become "closer" with vic. we talk more and sometimes i pick her up from her house and we just chill. its pretty cool. glad to know i have at least one awesome sister.
i spend most of my time in park forest when i'm not at home.
i've started bowling like every other night at lakewood bowl near rich south (i dont know what city that is). i'm ok. my avg is like 130 a game. kyle got a 237 the other day and rubbed it in anyones face who asked his score, lol.
i got a car. its a silver-ish 1996 chrysler concorde. i call it "Babe", not like the pig, but cuz i dont want to decide whether it's a female or male car. good gas mileage i guess, like 22-24 mpg city.
i might be going to az for 3 days. could be driving down in a u-haul monday with my cousin melissa and flying back wednesday solo. she's moving back to az from chicago, and asked if i'd like to help. i would, but i'm terrified about flying alone. not cuz of the plane crashing into something or whatever, but because if its my first time doing something alone, i usually freak out. its not final tho, i'm still waiting to hear from her whether she's still gonna do it or not.
hmm...i think thats it.