Mar 06, 2005 17:33
So I was sittign on the computer and stumbled across a music video.. Now mind you I dont really watch music videos unless they are good ones(Green Day, Linkin Park and such other groups) but I was sitting in front of the screen and saw a video that made me penis unattach itself and watch the video front row live and center.. I informed Tshirt Mike of this and he was amazed of my penis' dexterity... That video belonged to a young lady named Kelly Clarkson..
Am I the only male who could care less if she could sing let alone play a fucking instrument? I mean my idea of talent is if she is able to hum the star spangled banner while shes sucking on my sack.... Now that my friends is talent!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to any women who might read my journal( after that comment Im sure they all left) I mean that in the nicest way......She is talented... Simon Cowell should have shagged her if he had the chance...... Damn I want to do things to her that Oh LORD, BATHROOM BREAK!!!!!!
ROFLMAO... sometimes I make myself laugh uncontrollably... Kind of like Sedrick Strong and his bladder problems........