I haven't posted in entirely too long, and since, apparently, I'm exhausted from booth for the day (admittedly, I got up at 5am today, did Buggy stuff from, let's say, 6:30am to 9:00am, and then was on Midway at 9:45 or so, I have a right to be...) I guess I'll post things.
I have a job for the summer. It is with
Also, apparently I have a sunburn on my forehead, possibly part of my neck, maybe my cheeks from the way they feel, and the backs of my hands from the first day of booth building, since it was sunny out, although nowhere else because it was also cold and windy. EDIT: seems like burned my entire face...
I feel like I should be posting other things too, but I'm not sure what to say... I have housing for next year?