My Week (Or so)

Nov 13, 2007 21:04

Okay. So. I'm a bit overweight, and I now have a diet. I am surprised that the moment you start even remotely thinking about it, you eat a lot healthier. It's called The Daily Plate, and is quite helpful. My friend L-- tried to help his brother J-- host a night game of hide-and-seek. This is the nicest thing L-- has ever done to his brother. (That I know of.) I ended up walking around most of the night trying to help round up players. A girl we know referred to as K-- was also there. But the poor darling, on only TEN HOURS of sleep was tired. (I am mean to my friends in my posts. This is not the way I feel about her) (No, she is not my girlfriend) L-- and I kept trying, but it didn't work. He said he's going to try again this Sunday. I have been getting good sleep, and am enjoying a series called Warriors, by Erin Hunter. (Young, cats, can be poingnant, First book: Into the Wild) I decided to reread, because it has been a long time. These books are still coming out, and I am glad.  I plan to continue reading my shelf of endless classics afterward. (Mark Twain rules.) There is a girl that I have a crush on (Referred to herafter as Kr--), but hasn't yet reached puberty like me. (Okay, I'm more in the process. Whatever.) (You may have noted that I am not sensitive or secretive about it. I really don't care, this is my journal) So, recap.

Recent Events: The Daily Plate

Recent Friend updates: L--/J-- Hide and seek, crush on Kr-- (God I hope she doesn't find this.)

Current Book/Series: Warriors, Erin Hunter

General State of Being: Well

weekly update

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