Nov 02, 2007 03:49
Sleep. For whatever reason, nearly all forms of life are given the natural right for rest. Why?
I'm not going to sit here and rant Creation much, but wouldn't in theory, people be more effective as twenty-four hour workers?
Let's go off the religious deep end.
God labled the seventh day, the sabboth, and gave right to rest. Running some approx numbers, that means in a week, about 168 hours? 24 of those should be devoted to relaxation, but that definition. 144 Hours, then, if my math servers right 4 45 in the morning, *yawn*, That gives plenty of time to work. Yet physically, the body tends to run on a schedule forcing a 6-8 hour period of rest. 8*6=58, which means your up about 100 hours a Week.
About a third of your life, is wasted in suspended anmation.
You could take this in many ways:
A.) You could feel that this is "The Creator"'s way of showing pity for surviving through stressful events after one another.
B.)You could feel infomration overload is subconsciously recognized as a problem, and the brain promotes sleep the induce processing time.
C.)You could feel that for your "hard work" for the other 3/rds of the day reward you with the deserving rest.
I, Personally, through don't have a streightforward opinion, heavily believe response C is INCREDIBLY improbable. In theory, you'd be getting rewarded with complete nothingness. Just numbness until you're wide awake, and the dreams your mind process.
Dreams. I'll get on dreams in a minute.
First, I feel that sleep, through people have slight control over holding back, Sleeping in it's entirety controled subconsciously. It's sleep or die, and instinctvley, the body has to eventually say "Destroying [my]self is not worth the little gain [I] recieved from being awake more often, through less fucntional."
That, in my opinion, ties into why the body creates dreams for us. As much as I want to believe the body can control dreams, so i can omit dreams as nothing more as, well nothing, that's impossible.
I'm not saying I don't like dreams either, I adore them.
I just feel the urge to understand them more.
Lucid dreaming. One of, in my opinion, the most interesting concepts ever.
For those undeducated in the field, Lucid dreaming is the skill to process the fact your in a dream mid-dream. It's also very similar in the basis that, If you understand you are in a dream, you gain control of yourself throughout it. The most common example, is, being in a place you don't like in a dream, and then not liking it, so you completley fly away.
Impossible? I'd like to think so.
But in a realm of that sort, Imagination is the only border. Utopia is most pheasable there then anywhere.
I've only ever expierenced it once. I was dreaming, and I can't recall the dream, but I remember screaming at myself to wake up, and in the dream, my head could hear it.
I don't believe I was acting differently, but I heard it. I felt so incredibly weak in those few moments, like as if I was induced with complete paralysis.
The sheer rush gotten from imagining undefined and unlimited powers, it's rather flabbergasting.
Makes me sound like a power whore. I'm not.
Theres no easy way to define sleep. To define why, To define how. It's something people rarley question. Sleep puts you in a rather vulnerable position, yet for whatever reason (If we go back to the religious situation, one could argue all must sleep simotaniously for reasoning), The body sleeps anyway, to some extent fascinates me. It's a concept that will rarley be questioned, and even less often, understood.