(no subject)

May 15, 2004 08:38

whoa, what happend? i get off work a lil tipsy at 3:30 or so... i have the munchies so i stop at steak n shake, i walk in and see like 10 kids i know 1 i hate. of course the kid i dont like talks some shit saying he punched me at a party and some shit about my ex girl christina. he calls me out and says lets go outside bitch, im like alright one on one. i go outside he doesnt come, i go back in and then he comes out... he swung at me i ducked picked him up and slammed him on the ground i just started sticking him in the face until his boy pulls me off and i swung at him, hit him in the nose and he fell back.. the kid that pulled me off actually was a good friend.. sorry.. haha everyone one in steak n shake was up against the window watching... the kid gets off the ground with blood all over his face and keeps talking shit but backing up... he is 6'0 about 170 peurtorican... the people inside come out and say they called police. i hauled ass and that was the end... he ended up ggettin one shot on me in the ribs, other than that i have teeth marks on my knuckles and one scratch on my elbow... what a nite what a nite..
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