Aug 15, 2004 21:40
RMR0886 [9:28 PM]: Birthday Wrecker!
Pointeless579 [9:28 PM]: :(
RMR0886 [9:29 PM]: And now you deny me my rightful happy fun time!
Pointeless579 [9:29 PM]: i'm sorry
RMR0886 [9:30 PM]: You're a horrible person and you make Baby Jesus cry!
Pointeless579 [9:30 PM]: :(
RMR0886 [9:31 PM]: Baby Jesus would be happy if I got my happy fun time though. Don't you want Baby Jesus to be happy?
Pointeless579 [9:32 PM]: yes :)
RMR0886 [9:32 PM]: So do I get my happy fun time?
Pointeless579 [9:32 PM]: noperz
RMR0886 [9:33 PM]: Then you don't love the Baby Jesus.
Pointeless579 [9:35 PM]: ? yes and no
RMR0886 [9:35 PM]: No, you just don't love The Baby Jesus.
Pointeless579 [9:35 PM]: i love jesus, not you and your desires
RMR0886 [9:36 PM]: It's not about my desires. It's all about The Baby Jesus, and keeping The Baby Jesus happy. If this includes happy fun time for me, then so be it. I love The Baby Jesus enought to sacrifice that.
Pointeless579 [9:37 PM]: wat a load of crap
Pointeless579 [9:37 PM]: i'm, going to bed see u tomorrow
Pointeless579 [9:37 PM]: ;)
RMR0886 [9:37 PM]: That's not what The Baby Jesus says!
Pointeless579 [9:37 PM]: good night
Pointeless579 signed off at 9:37 PM